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Updated on 6.3.2023, 04:00

Primalists sought to pull Terros, an unyielding force of destruction, from the elemental plane. However, their ritual was interrupted. Trapped between two worlds, this hulking terror seeks to free himself and obliterate everything in his path.

Terros Loot & Web-based Dungeon Journal

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The currently rendered guide matches the live version.

Fight Summary

Terros is a single phase encounter with an enrage that is controlled by you and your placement of Resonant Aftermath, when the room is full the Enrage begins.

Your focus as a raid will be ensuring mechanics are placed properly, notably Resonating Annihilation which is spawned on a random player's location. If one player is really out of position this may create issues.

When Terros reaches 100 Energy he will cast Resonating Annihilation which spawns Resonant Aftermath in a cone in front of the boss.

Mechanic Sequence

This boss has a very strict flow of what happens and when.

Rock Blast (Stack) > Tank Beam 1 (Break half the pillars) > Shattering Impact (Dodge) > Tank Beam 2
Rock Blast (Stack) > Tank Beam 1 (Break half the pillars) > Shattering Impact (Dodge) > Tank Beam 2
100 Energy, run to a new area as a team.

Boss Abilities

Rock Blast [Stack] - A random player is targeted and needs to stack with other players to reduce the damage taken. Any player hit will split the damage.
During this time several players are debuffed with Awakened Earth and should not stack with the rest of the raid.
After the hit, an Aftershock will appear on the ground, which will deal a high amount of Nature damage within it and knock those players up in the air.

Awakened Earth [Drop the debuff] - During Rock Blast several players will be marked with this debuff. They will have a yellow arrow above their head and will spawn an Awakened Earth pillar when Rock Blast triggers. Do not stack with other players, but remain close by to each other.
When it has been destroyed (by boss abilities) it will trigger Seismic Assault, which deals a moderate amount of Nature damage to the raid and apply a small DoT for 8 seconds.

Fractured Rubble [Dodge] - Dodge the debris falling from the sky.
[Heroic/Mythic] Once the Fractured Rubble has landed, it will leave behind Resonant Aftermath.

Shattering Impact [Dodge] - Terros will pick an area of the room near a player and anybody within this 12 yard area will take a lethal amount of Nature damage.
After this cast Fractured Rubble will fall from the ceiling around the impact location.

This can be baited by having players of the raid stack together and will make the room cleaner. This is not necessary for Normal/Heroic but might be something to consider for Mythic.

Concussive Slam [Tank Swap] - 1 stack Tank swap. Hits in a line from Terros to the edge of the room and destroys any Awakened Earth in the blast. Any player hit will receive a stack of a 25% increased damage taken debuff.

Resonating Annihilation [Dodge] - When Terros reaches 100 Energy he will cast in a frontal cone. Any players hit will take a lethal amount of Nature damage.
After it is cast Fractured Rubble will fall.
    • Any Awakened Earth caught in this cone will be destroyed.
    • An additional player will be marked with Awakened Earth each time Terros casts this.

The first quarter will be based strictly on the location of the player it has targeted. All others will be a set quarter where the randomly picked player is.

Tectonic Barrage [Always be in range] - If no player is in range of Terros, the raid will take pulsing damage.

Resonant Aftermath

Resonant Aftermath is created by the following abilities:
    • Shattering Impact will create pools nearby the impact location.
    • A frontal cone from the boss when they cast Resonating Annihilation.
    • [Heroic/Mythic] Fractured Rubble landing spots (adding RNG to your space management).

While standing in Resonant Aftermath you will take a high amount of Nature damage every second.

When the room is filled with Resonant Aftermath Terros will start his enrage and cast Frenzied Devastation on the raid, which deals a moderate amount of Nature damage, and applies a debuff to every player hit to increase their damage taken by 50%.

Tank Damage Profile

75% Physical
25% Nature
70% Auto Attack 

Swing Timer: 1.8s (Can be interrupted by spell casting & can be slowed)

Tank Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk


Vengeance Demon Hunter


Protection Paladin


Protection Warrior


Guardian Druid


Blood Death Knight


Fight Summary

Terros is a single phase encounter with an enrage that is controlled by you and your placement of Resonant Aftermath, when the room is full the Enrage begins.

Your focus as a raid will be ensuring mechanics are placed properly, notably Resonating Annihilation which is spawned on a random player's location. If one player is really out of position this may create issues.

When Terros reaches 100 Energy he will cast Resonating Annihilation which spawns Resonant Aftermath in a cone in front of the boss.

Mechanic Sequence

This boss has a very strict flow of what happens and when.

Rock Blast (Stack) > Tank Beam 1 (Break half the pillars) > Shattering Impact (Dodge) > Tank Beam 2
Rock Blast (Stack) > Tank Beam 1 (Break half the pillars) > Shattering Impact (Dodge) > Tank Beam 2
100 Energy, run to a new area as a team.

Fight Prep

Bloodlust is best used on the pull.


Terros has a very large hitbox meaning that melee can be further away from the boss than they would expect.

Ranged should not be too far away from the boss due to needing to stack for Rock Blast.

Awakened Earth Rotation

You should go into the fight with a plan on which set of Awakened Earth pillars are being destroyed and when. 

For example, if you opt to have a strategy where these pillars are both on the left and right of the Rock Blast the tanks can opt to break the set on the right first and the set on the left second. This allows your DPS to know what side of the room is safe at any given time.

You can go one step further and have melee & ranged always drop their pillars in set areas to make movement easier and more intuitive for those players.


To take full advantage of your healing cooldowns you can opt to have all pillars stacked on one side and break them all at once. This will mean that there will be no pulsing damage until the next Rock Blast. Disc Priest ramps are great for this.

It is important to also note that after each 100 Energy ability an additional pillar will spawn each Rock Blast meaning that this strategy may not be viable for sets 5 onwards.

Boss Abilities

Rock Blast [Stack] - This will target a random player and deal a high amount of Nature damage which is split with all targets within 12 yards. Any player hit will split the damage.
During this time several players are debuffed with Awakened Earth and should not stack with the rest of the raid.
After the hit, an Aftershock will appear on the ground, which will deal a high amount of Nature damage within it and knock those players up in the air.

Awakened Earth [Drop the debuff] - During Rock Blast several players will be marked with this debuff. They will have a yellow arrow above their head and will spawn an Awakened Earth pillar when Rock Blast triggers. The pillars will deal a small amount of Nature damage and knock players within 2 yards away. After this, they will pulse a small amount of Nature damage to the raid until it is destroyed. Do not spawn these in melee!
When it has been destroyed (by boss abilities) it will trigger Seismic Assault, which deals a moderate amount of Nature damage to the raid and apply a small DoT for 8 seconds.

Fractured Rubble [Dodge] - Fractured Rubble will fall from the ceiling, which will deal a high amount of Nature damage to any player within 6 yards of the impact location.
[Heroic/Mythic] Once the Fractured Rubble has landed, it will leave behind Resonant Aftermath.

Shattering Impact [Dodge] - Terros will pick an area of the room near a player and anybody within this 12 yard area will take a lethal amount of Nature damage.
After this cast Fractured Rubble will fall from the ceiling around the impact location.

This can be baited by having players of the raid stack together and will make the room cleaner. This is not necessary for Normal/Heroic but might be something to consider for Mythic.

Concussive Slam [Tank Swap] - This is the tank swap of this encounter and is a 1 stack swap. This attack hits everyone in the line and destroys any Awakened Earth in the blast.
Any players hit by Concussive Slam will also receive a 25% increased damage taken debuff for 45 seconds which stacks.

Resonating Annihilation [Dodge] - When Terros reaches 100 Energy he will cast in a frontal cone. Any players caught in this cone will take a lethal amount of Nature damage.
This will also deal a moderate amount of Nature damage to the raid and cause Fractured Rubble to fall.
    • Any Awakened Earth caught in this cone will be destroyed.
    • An additional player will be marked with Awakened Earth each time Terros casts this.

This ability will cover a quarter of the room at a time as shown in the image below. 

The first quarter will be based strictly on the location of the player it has targeted. All others will be a set quarter where the randomly picked player is.

Tectonic Barrage [Always be in range] - If no player is in range of Terros, they will cast this and pulse a high amount of Nature damage to the entire raid until someone is back in range of them.

Resonant Aftermath

Resonant Aftermath is created by the following abilities:
    • Shattering Impact will create pools nearby the impact location.
    • A frontal cone from the boss when they cast Resonating Annihilation.
    • [Heroic/Mythic] Fractured Rubble landing spots (adding RNG to your space management).

While standing in Resonant Aftermath you will take a high amount of Nature damage every second.

When the room is filled with Resonant Aftermath Terros will start his enrage and cast Frenzied Devastation on the raid, which deals a moderate amount of Nature damage, and applies a debuff to every player hit to increase their damage taken by 50%.

Tank Damage Profile

75% Physical
25% Nature
70% Auto Attack 

Swing Timer: 1.8s (Can be interrupted by spell casting & can be slowed)

Tank Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk


Vengeance Demon Hunter


Protection Paladin


Protection Warrior


Guardian Druid


Blood Death Knight


What's New for Mythic?

There are three key changes for Mythic:

- Rock Blast now deals damage to the entire raid. The amount of damage dealt is based on the amount of damage it deals to the target (i.e. split within 12 yards) so it is important to have as many people stacked in this as possible. 

- After every Shattering Impact and Resonating Annihilation all players will receive the Reactive Dust debuff, which deals ticking damage every 0.5 seconds. This debuff is removed by running into another player with it, however this will also create a spike to appear from the ground which knocks players up after a few seconds. Your aim here is to be efficient with your Healing/Mitigation CD plan and aim to clear as many of these as possible in a short time frame and then have a few assigned people wait until this large batch is done and clear theirs afterwards. 

- The amount of marked players during Rock Blast is increased.

Pre-Fight Assignments

I would strongly recommend that you clear every pillar with the first tank smash and have the second one just hit the tank. The amount of healing attention required to clearing all pillars at once versus splitting them into two chunks is very similar to doing it all at once just makes things easier strategically. 

You should aim to use non-positional cooldowns for the Rock Blast & Pillar Breaks as people will not be stacked for these, these include but are not limited to:
 - Disc Priest Ramp
 - Any throughput CD
 - Rallying Cry
 - Aura Mastery
 - Personals/Healthstone/Health Pot

Positional cooldowns can be used for the Reactive Dust clearing as you will be stacked as a raid for these. Cooldowns like this would be Anti-Magic Zone, Power Word: Barrier, Spirit Link, Darkness.

You should have assigned a few ranged DPS players who will not be clearing their Reactive Dust with the rest of the raid to make this damage more manageable. We opted to have 6 ranged DPS be part of this assignment however you can opt for 4 or even 2. 

Fight Strategy

The fight has a very strict flow of mechanics which I will outline below step by step and have illustrated in the images below.


Rock Blast

Put all pillars on the left

Concussive Slam 1

Break all pillars

Bait Shattering Impact

Melee players bait

Bait Infused Fallout

Melee players dodge right

Reactive Dust 1

All players bait Dust

Dodge Dust

Dodge out of the dust explosions

Reactive Dust 2

Ranged DPS Squad clears Dust

Concussive Slam 2

Second tank slam hits nothing

1) As outlined in the assignments in the section above you will be aiming to have all pillars on one side of the Rock Blast and have your tank break all of them at once.  We opted to put all of the pillars on the left side of the Rock Blast and have everyone else stand in it to mitigate the raid damage.

2) The tank will break all of the pillars.

3) Melee will stack up towards the left side of the area to bait Shattering Impact.

Shattering Impact is baited on Melee Players only, so they can all stack up and bait it and move out together.

4) Melee players will dodge to the RIGHT to bait Infused Fallout.

Infused Fallout will spawn predominantly on player locations, which can also be baited.

5) All players apart from the assigned Ranged DPS squad will stack up for Reactive Dust.

6) All players will move out of the Explosive Reaction left behind.

7) The remaining players with Reactive Dust will now clear theirs (once the raid is healthy and above ~50% HP)

8) The second tank slam will happen and the phase repeats with the other tank now tanking the boss.

After the second cycle of abilities happen Terros will be approaching 100 energy and cast Resonating Annihilation.

For the very first one of the encounter, you should utilise a Warlock Gateway to move as a group to the next area (as this is baited on your location), for all others you can move towards where the edge of the area will be and move out of it.

Tank Damage Profile

75% Physical
25% Nature
70% Auto Attack 

Swing Timer: 1.8s (Can be interrupted by spell casting & can be slowed)

Tank Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk


Vengeance Demon Hunter


Protection Paladin


Protection Warrior


Guardian Druid


Blood Death Knight
