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Updated on 6.3.2023, 04:00

Eranog, commander of the Primalist forces, is relentless in his pursuit of power. With the Incarnates' release imminent, Eranog summons the whole of his army and will not hesitate to sacrifice his devoted followers to achieve victory.

Eranog Loot & Web-based Dungeon Journal

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The currently rendered guide matches the live version.

Fight Summary

Eranog is a two phase encounter where the soft enrage is determined by your Lava Flow placement. If they are placed poorly you may struggle in the intermissions and be unable to kill the Collapsing Flame adds.

At 100 Energy (~1:30, ~3:30, ~5:30, ~7:30) Phase 2 will begin where Eranog will spawn "an army" of Collapsing Flame adds. Kill one (or more) to create gaps in the wall to survive.

Phase 1

Flamerift [Drop the Debuff] - This debuff is applied to 5 (max) random players. When it expires it will deal damage to all players within 4 yards, create a Lava Flow and spawn a Flamescale Tarasek. If you are fixated by one of these adds run back to the raid and aim your fixate line over the boss so the raid can AoE the adds.

The Flamescale Tarasek adds can be gripped and displaced to keep them on top of the boss to increase raid DPS.

Molten Cleave [Dodge] - This targets a random player and cleaves in that direction. Avoid!

Burning Wound [Tank Swap]- Each attack will put a stack of this DoT on the tank. Swap at ~5 stacks.

[Heroic/Mythic Only] Molten Spikes [Avoid] - Several players will be targeted and spikes will spawn from the ground. Move out of these areas (4 yards) before the spikes come up to avoid taking a large amount of Physical damage and being knocked away. Incinerating Roar will make all of the spikes explode and damage all players within 4 yards.

Phase 2 - 100 Energy

Collapsing Flame
Spawn when Eranos reaches 100 Energy
  • Pulses damage on the raid.
  • Connects to other Collapsing Flames with a Lava Beam
  • Anyone caught in their path will take lethal damage.
  • If you survive this lethal damage you are stunned for 3 seconds.
  • Mythic Only: Eranog will spawn an additional army of Collapsing Flame around him, meaning you have two walls to break through.

The collapsing flame adds will march towards the centre of the room, so you will need to kill one (or more) Collapsing Flame adds to create a gap in the wall to escape.

Tank Damage Profile

30% Physical
70% Fire
Auto Attack 

Swing Speed: 1.5s (Can be delayed by casts & slowed with debuffs)

Tank Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk

Leg Sweep & Ring of Peace both work on the Flamescale Tarasek adds.

You can transcendence over the beams in the intermission.

Vengeance Demon Hunter

You can Sigil of Misery to momentary stop the Flamescale Tarasek adds.

You can Sigil of Chains to grip the Flamescale Tarasek adds together.

It is best to use Fiery Brand at the end of your tanking period as the damage reduction is most impactful at this point.

Protection Paladin

Blessing of Spellwarding works to prevent you from gaining any Burning Wound stacks.

Protection Warrior


Guardian Druid


Blood Death Knight

Anti-Magic Shell works to prevent you from gaining any Burning Wound stacks. It is best to use this when you are on 0 stacks as any stacks you have currently will eat into the shield making it end early.

Anti-Magic Zone is best used in the intermission whilst the raid is killing a Flame add as this is both the period of highest damage intake.

Death Grip, Abomination Limb and Gorefiends Grasp all work to grip the Flamescale Tarasek adds.

Fight Summary

Eranog is a two phase encounter where the soft enrage is determined by your Lava Flow placement. If they are placed poorly you may struggle in the intermissions and be unable to kill the Collapsing Flame adds.

At 100 Energy (~1:30, ~3:30, ~5:30, ~7:30) Phase 2 will begin where Eranog will spawn "an army" of Collapsing Flame adds. Kill one (or more) to create gaps in the wall to survive.

Fight Prep

Bloodlust is best used on the pull.

DPS Management

You should have some players pre-assigned to focus on killing the Flame adds in the intermissions, as they are roughly 2 minutes apart from each other you should consider specs with this cooldown cadence, such as Paladins or Evokers.

Raid Movement

You should have a somewhat determined plan for your Flamerift movement. Moving around the room clockwise after each set of Flamerifts worked well for our groups.

Add Management from Flamerifts

If you have Death Knights, assign them to grip the Flamescale Tarasek's on top of the boss to increase your raid DPS and kill the adds faster.

If you have any Monks have them Leg Sweep the adds once they are on top of the boss.

If you have any Druids have them use Vortex on top of the boss so they do not escape melee/cleave range.

Healing Management

Incinerating Roar does raid wide damage, if players are low they may die so be mindful of this.

Intermissions have pulsing damage from every Flame add alive, this can be quite a large amount of damage and especially challenging if you are moving simultaneously. Utilise throughput cooldowns for this.

Phase 1

Flamerift [Drop the Debuff] - This debuff is applied to 5 (max) random players. When it expires it will deal damage to all players within 4 yards, create a Lava Flow and spawn a Flamescale Tarasek. If you are fixated by one of these adds run back to the raid and aim your fixate line over the boss so the raid can AoE the adds.

Lava Flow deals a large amount of damage for any player standing in them. Move out of them immediately after spawning the Flamerift.

Frenzied Tarasek
Fixates on a random player
  • These spawn when Eranog casts Primal Forces.
  • The Frenzied Taraseks will fixate on random players.
  • They can be gripped and displaced. Use this to your advantage to bring them all on top of the boss to increase raid DPS.

Molten Cleave [Dodge] - This targets a random player and cleaves in that direction. Avoid!


Burning Wound [Tank Swap]- Each attack will put a stack of this DoT on the tank. Swap at ~5 stacks.

[Heroic/Mythic Only] Molten Spikes [Avoid] - Several players will be targeted and spikes will spawn from the ground. Move out of these areas (4 yards) before the spikes come up to avoid taking a large amount of Physical damage and being knocked away.

[Heroic/Mythic Only] Incinerating Roar [Avoid] - Raid wide Fire damage and will destroy any Molten Spikes and create Molten Fissures in the areas which deal AoE damage to every player in 4 yards and knock them into the air.

After the third Flamerift cast Eranog will be approaching 100 Energy

Phase 2 - 100 Energy

Collapsing Flame
Spawn when Eranos reaches 100 Energy
  • Pulses damage on the raid.
  • Connects to other Collapsing Flames with a Lava Beam
  • Anyone caught in their path will take lethal damage.
  • If you survive this lethal damage you are stunned for 3 seconds.
  • Mythic Only: Eranog will spawn an additional army of Collapsing Flame around him, meaning you have two walls to break through.

The collapsing flame adds will march towards the centre of the room, so you will need to kill one (or more) Collapsing Flame adds to create a gap in the wall to escape.

Tank Damage Profile

30% Physical
70% Fire
Auto Attack 

Swing Speed: 1.5s (Can be delayed by casts & slowed with debuffs)

Tank Damage Profile

30% Physical
70% Fire
Auto Attack 

Swing Speed: 1.5s (Can be delayed by casts & slowed with debuffs)

Tank Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk

Leg Sweep & Ring of Peace both work on the Flamescale Tarasek adds.

You can transcendence over the beams in the intermission.

Vengeance Demon Hunter

You can Sigil of Misery to momentary stop the Flamescale Tarasek adds.

You can Sigil of Chains to grip the Flamescale Tarasek adds together.

It is best to use Fiery Brand at the end of your tanking period as the damage reduction is most impactful at this point.

Protection Paladin

Blessing of Spellwarding works to prevent you from gaining any Burning Wound stacks.

Protection Warrior


Guardian Druid


Blood Death Knight

Anti-Magic Shell works to prevent you from gaining any Burning Wound stacks. It is best to use this when you are on 0 stacks as any stacks you have currently will eat into the shield making it end early.

Anti-Magic Zone is best used in the intermission whilst the raid is killing a Flame add as this is both the period of highest damage intake.

Death Grip, Abomination Limb and Gorefiends Grasp all work to grip the Flamescale Tarasek adds.

What's New for Mythic?

There are two key changes for Mythic:

 - Greater Flamerift now spawn on the active tank each time Flamerift is cast. These act the same as a Flamerift (but larger) but will spawn a Flamescape Captain. The Flamescale Captain will attempt to cast Pyroblast, and this should be interrupted as if the cast compl,etes that player will die.

Flamescale Captain
Mythic Only
  • Interrupt Pyroblast. If a cast completes that player takes lethal damage!
  • Casts Leaping Flames on a random player. Bounces between players in raid and applies a 16s DoT.

 - During intermissions, you will have both Collapsing Flames (which go toward the middle of the room from the outside of the room) and Expanding Flames.

Expanding Flames are simply just another wave of adds, but they start from the middle of the room and move towards the edge. This means that you will need to kill 2 adds to complete the intermission. 

Pre-Fight Assignments

Intermissions happen roughly every 2 minutes after the first intermission at 1:30. This means that you will want to have some DPS players with 2 minute cooldowns focus purely on the intermissions.

Devastation Evokers are also valuable on this encounter due to everything that needs to be focused down spawn on max health which allows you to take full advantage of their Mastery to deal large amounts of damage quickly. They should also have Eternity Surge for every Flamerift wave.

You should have a displacement/grip plan for each set of Flamerifts to get the adds on top of Eranog quickly. Death Knights can rotate Abomination Limb or take advantage of their 2 Death Grips (with Deaths Echo). The Flamescale Captain can not be gripped.

The Flamescale Captain will require a 2 kick rotation on it. This can be done by pretty much anyone and doesn't need to be strictly assigned. It should ideally be done by Ranged DPS as it spawns far away and you may be dodging fire whilst it is casting.

Healers will need to be ready to dispel the Leaping Flames when they happen. Priests can mass dispel these too.

Healers will also need to have throughput cooldowns assigned for the intermission as there are twice as many adds which means twice as much pulsing damage on the raid!

Fight Strategy

Your strategy for this boss will remain unchanged from Heroic with the exception of needing to focus down the Flamescale Captain each wave before they cast Leaping Flames too many times.

Having good Flamerift management will increase your raid DPS significantly. The way we opted to do this was to create a big V shape around the boss with the Tank in the middle.

This makes all of the adds spawn around the boss meaning that they are instantly hit by passive cleave and there's little downtime for DPS as well.

During intermissions, we found that killing the inside add first and then moving to the outside is easiest as this gave you more total time as you can backpedal into the space you created from the first add much easier as they spawn further away.

For easier communication of what add to kill without much communication. We placed a world marker at the add we wanted to kill first and target marked the second add.

Tank Damage Profile

30% Physical
70% Fire
Auto Attack 

Swing Speed: 1.5s (Can be delayed by casts & slowed with debuffs)

Tank Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk

Leg Sweep & Ring of Peace both work on the Flamescale Tarasek adds.

You can transcendence over the beams in the intermission.

Vengeance Demon Hunter

You can Sigil of Misery to momentary stop the Flamescale Tarasek adds.

You can Sigil of Chains to grip the Flamescale Tarasek adds together.

It is best to use Fiery Brand at the end of your tanking period as the damage reduction is most impactful at this point.

Protection Paladin

Blessing of Spellwarding works to prevent you from gaining any Burning Wound stacks.

Protection Warrior


Guardian Druid


Blood Death Knight

Anti-Magic Shell works to prevent you from gaining any Burning Wound stacks. It is best to use this when you are on 0 stacks as any stacks you have currently will eat into the shield making it end early.

Anti-Magic Zone is best used in the intermission whilst the raid is killing a Flame add as this is both the period of highest damage intake.

Death Grip, Abomination Limb and Gorefiends Grasp all work to grip the Flamescale Tarasek adds.