Vigilant Guardian's avatar

Vigilant Guardian

Updated on 21.2.2023, 14:37

This eternal guardian lies in wait, keeping a timeless vigil over the entrance to the Sepulcher of the First Ones.


The currently rendered guide matches the live version.

Fight Summary

This is a three phase encounter where you will fight against the defenses at the enterance of the raid and finally fight against the Vigilant Guardian.

Phase 1: Kill adds as they spawn and move inside barriers when the boss casts Exposed Core.
Phase 2: Take the boss down to 15% and avoid mechanics.
Phase 3: Kill it before it kills you.

Phase 1

Your goal as a raid in this phase is to kill adds near an Automated Defense Matrix. Each time an add dies their Energy jumps into the nearest valid inactive add. 

You need to have made an Automated Defense Matrix active before the boss is at full temperature (extra resource bar) and casts Exposed Core.

Avoid Deresolution Beams that are targeted on players and Refracted Blasts.

Volatile Materium

1 Energy Each
  • Kill these to spawn Pre-Fabriacted Sentry

Point-Defence Drone

4 Energy Each
  • Spam casts & then TPs away to channel into a player.
  • The channels can be cancelled with displacement.
  • Vortex before they TP away works. Grip works.

Pre-Fabricated Sentry

Spawns by boss casts
  • Applies tank debuffs - Swap on 3 stacks
  • Does a frontal cone - Point away from raid!

Automated Defense Matrix
Provides Damage Reduction for Raid
  • Tank & Kill Adds near this to empower it
  • Once it has received 16 energy a shield will spawn providing 80% damage reduction from Exposed Core
  • [Heroic/Mythic] This will reduce damage taken from mobs inside by 90%.

[Heroic/Mythic] The Automated Defense Matrix will become active after Exposed Core has finished and will channel Sear into random players.

When the Automated Defense Matrix dies it will drop an Unstable Core. One player will need to carry this up the ramp and to the boss. Each one of these will deal 20% of damage to the boss.

Phase 2 begins when the boss is at 40%.

Phase 2

The boss will roll out from the wall and become active.

You can get run over by the boss as it rolls down. Don't die a stupid death.

Vigilant Guardian
  • Swap on 1 stack of Pneumatic Impact
  • Position yourself away from the raid so they do not have to avoid Split Resolution Tank slams
  • Avoid Matter Dissolution Orbs
  • Phase 3 begins at 15%

Split Resolution - The boss will slam the tank leaving hexagon shaped pools in lines from the impact point. Move out of these before they explode.

Pneumatic Impact - Tanks should swap on each cast.

Matter Dissolution - A player is targeted and orbs will converge on their location. Avoid!

When the boss reaches 15% Phase 3 will begin.

Phase 3

The boss will channel Core Overload until it dies. This deals raid wide damage and does 30% more damage every tick. The boss will not do any other attacks during this time.

Kill it before it kills you!

Tank Damage Profile

70% Physical
30% Cosmic
Auto Attack 

Vigilant Guardian Swing Timer: 4s (Curse of Weakness 4.8s)

Point Defence Drone, Prefabricated Sentry, Volatile Materium Swing Timers: 2s (Curse of Weakness 2.4s)

Tank Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk

[Heroic/Mythic] Ring of Peace can be used to knock adds out of the shields so that they do not take reduced damage.

Vengeance Demon Hunter

[Heroic/Mythic] Sigil of Chains can be used to knock adds out of the shields so that they do not take reduced damage.

Protection Paladin

Blessing of Spellwarding can be placed on a player who is late getting into the Barrier to save them from the Exposed Core damage.

Protection Warrior

Spell Reflection can be used to reflect Split Resolution and Wave of Disintegration.

Dissonance can be blocked.

Rallying Cry is best used to help the raid with Exposed Core (Phase 1) and Core Overload (Phase 3).

Guardian Druid

Stampeding Roar is useful to get players together for Exposed Core and for moving to the next Automated Defense Matrix.

If you are playing Restoration Affinity, Ursol's Vortex can be used on Point Defense Drones before they blink away to cast Searing Ablation to grip them back to the raid instantly and cancel the cast.

Blood Death Knight

Anti-Magic Zone is best used to mitigate raid damage taken from Exposed Core (Phase 1) and Core Overload (Phase 3).

Death GripGorefriend's Grasp and Abomination Limb are all useful tools to displace the Point Defense Drones and cancel their Searing Ablation casts.

[Heroic/Mythic] Gorefriend's Grasp can be useful to grip adds out of the shields so that they do not take reduced damage.

Fight Summary

This is a three phase encounter where you will fight against the defenses at the enterance of the raid and finally fight against the Vigilant Guardian.

Phase 1: Kill adds as they spawn and move inside barriers when the boss casts Exposed Core.
Phase 2: Take the boss down to 15% and avoid mechanics.
Phase 3: Kill it before it kills you.

Phase 1

Your goal as a raid in this phase is to kill adds near an Automated Defense Matrix. Each time an add dies their Energy jumps into the nearest valid inactive add. 

You need to have made an Automated Defense Matrix active before the boss is at full temperature (extra resource bar) and casts Exposed Core.

Add Energy

When an add dies it will transfer energy to a nearby add.

Volatile Materium will transfer 1 Energy into the closest inactive Point Defense Drone (Requires 4 Energy to activate).

Point Defense Drones/Pre-Fabricated Sentries will transfer 4 Energy into the closest inactive Automated Defense Matrix (Requires 16 Energy to activate). 

If all of the adds near you are active the Energy will go to the nearest inactive one in another add camp. Be mindful of other Automated Defense Matrix adds if they are active as they will need to be killed after Exposed Core.


Volatile Materium
1 Energy Each
  • Kill these to spawn Pre-Fabriacted Sentry

Adaptive Subroutines – Every 10s they gain a stack of this which increase their movement speed by 20% and damage done by 10%.

Point-Defence Drone
4 Energy Each
  • Spam casts & then TPs away to channel into a player.
  • The channels can be cancelled with displacement.
  • Vortex before they TP away works. Grip works.

Blast – Random players are targeted and they will take a moderate amount of Cosmic damage which splashes to all targets in 3 yards.
Searing Ablation – A channeled cast which deals Cosmic damage into a random player. This cast can be interrupted with displacement abilities such as Death Grip.
[Heroic/Mythic] The Point Defense Drone will teleport away before casting Searing Ablation.

Pre-Fabricated Sentry
Spawns by boss casts
  • Applies tank debuffs - Swap on 3 stacks
  • Does a frontal cone - Point away from raid!

Wave of Disintegration - The Point Defense Drone will slam the tank which then creates a wave of puddles in a line. Do not point this towards the raid and move out of them.

Dissonance - This is the stacking tank debuff. Swap on 3/4 stacks. Try to have one tank with all of the Pre-Fabricated Sentries at a time where possible.

Automated Defense Matrix
Provides Damage Reduction for Raid
  • Tank & Kill Adds near this to empower it
  • Once it has received 16 energy a shield will spawn providing 80% damage reduction from Exposed Core
  • [Heroic/Mythic] This will reduce damage taken from mobs inside by 90%.

Force Field – When the Automated Defense Matrix becomes active (16 energy added) it will create a shield which reduces the damage taken from Exposed Core by 80%.

[Heroic/Mythic] The Force Field will now provide 90% damage reduction for any adds inside.

[Heroic/Mythic] The Automated Defense Matrix will become active after Exposed Core has finished and will channel Sear into random players.

When the Automated Defense Matrix dies it will drop an Unstable Core. One player will need to carry this up the ramp and to the boss. Each one of these will deal 20% of damage to the boss.

Boss Abilities

Radioactive Core – Small ticking Cosmic raid damage. Ticks every 3 seconds.

Refracted Blast – Sections of the floor near players will be highlighted indicating that blasts will trigger there. Move out of these to avoid taking a large amount of Cosmic damage.

Deresolution – A beam will be targeted at a player. Shortly after the player is targeted a wave of projectiles will spawn in that direction. Point away from the raid and avoid the blasts.
Exposed Core – When the temperature bar is full this ability will be cast. This deals lethal amounts of raid wide damage every second for 10 seconds. This can be reduced by 80% by being in the barrier created by an Automated Defense Matrix.


Phase 2 begins when the boss is at 40%.

Phase 2

The boss will roll out from the wall and become active. The boss will resume to use their abilities from Phase 1.

You can get run over by the boss as it rolls down. Don't die a stupid death.

Vigilant Guardian
  • Swap on 1 stack of Pneumatic Impact
  • Position yourself away from the raid so they do not have to avoid Split Resolution Tank slams
  • Avoid Matter Dissolution Orbs
  • Phase 3 begins at 15%

Split Resolution - The boss will slam the tank leaving hexagon shaped pools in lines from the impact point. Move out of these before they explode.

Pneumatic Impact - Tanks should swap on each cast.

Matter Dissolution - When targeted these players will need to move out of the raid group as orbs will spawn around them and converge on their location. Additionally they are slowed making avoiding your own orbs hard to do. 

When the boss reaches 15% Phase 3 will begin.

Phase 3

The boss will channel Core Overload until it dies. This deals raid wide damage and does 30% more damage every tick. The boss will not do any other attacks during this time.

Kill it before it kills you!

Tank Damage Profile

70% Physical
30% Cosmic
Auto Attack 

Vigilant Guardian Swing Timer: 4s (Curse of Weakness 4.8s)

Point Defence Drone, Prefabricated Sentry, Volatile Materium Swing Timers: 2s (Curse of Weakness 2.4s)

Tank Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk

[Heroic/Mythic] Ring of Peace can be used to knock adds out of the shields so that they do not take reduced damage.

Vengeance Demon Hunter

[Heroic/Mythic] Sigil of Chains can be used to knock adds out of the shields so that they do not take reduced damage.

Protection Paladin

Blessing of Spellwarding can be placed on a player who is late getting into the Barrier to save them from the Exposed Core damage.

Protection Warrior

Spell Reflection can be used to reflect Split Resolution and Wave of Disintegration.

Dissonance can be blocked.

Rallying Cry is best used to help the raid with Exposed Core (Phase 1) and Core Overload (Phase 3).

Guardian Druid

Stampeding Roar is useful to get players together for Exposed Core and for moving to the next Automated Defense Matrix.

If you are playing Restoration Affinity, Ursol's Vortex can be used on Point Defense Drones before they blink away to cast Searing Ablation to grip them back to the raid instantly and cancel the cast.

Blood Death Knight

Anti-Magic Zone is best used to mitigate raid damage taken from Exposed Core (Phase 1) and Core Overload (Phase 3).

Death GripGorefriend's Grasp and Abomination Limb are all useful tools to displace the Point Defense Drones and cancel their Searing Ablation casts.

[Heroic/Mythic] Gorefriend's Grasp can be useful to grip adds out of the shields so that they do not take reduced damage.

What's New for Mythic?

The biggest change is that Vigilant Guardian rolls out of the wall on the pull which means that all Phase 2 abilities now happen in Phase 1. Because of this when the Automated Defense Matrix dies the Unstable Core must be run into the boss rather than to the wall.

Additionally for each cast of Exposed Core the boss will gain a stack of Overclock which increases their damage dealt by 10%.

The last change is that after Refracted Blast casts a Spike of Creation is left behind. Colliding with the Spike of Creation will cause it to detonate applying a small Cosmic damage DoT to the raid whcih stacks.

Pre-Fight Assignments

The main things to assign on this encounter are Healer cooldowns for Phase 1 & 3 and who is going to be soaking the Spike of Creation.

Healer Cooldowns

Exposed Core in Phase 1 are where you will need cooldowns assigned. From PTR testing they occured at the following times:

Exposed Core 1 ~2:00
Exposed Core 2 ~3:45
Exposed Core 3 ~5:32

With the above in mind, you will want to be conservative with assigning cooldowns as Phase 3 is where you really need them and this can occur as early as ~5:30 minutes (this will be sooner as you get more gear and you can comfortably skip the third Exposed Core).

Spike Soaker

You will want to have a couple of people managing this as relying on just one person can be problematic if they are targeted by other mechanics.

2 Tank or 3 Tank?

Most groups during PTR testing opted to use 3 tanks for this encounter as getting threat on the adds in Phase 1 was very problematic, and managing all of the tank debuffs with a minimal amount of taunts became an issue quite quickly in my testing.

Fight Strategy

This section will be updated once the boss has been defeated on Live Servers.

The Strategy used for PTR kills was a modification of Heroic strategies and popping the Spikes as they appeared.

The change of Vigilant Guardian being active in Phase 1 isn't as big as you'd think it might be as most of the mechanics it was doing were happening in Phase 1 anyway. The main thing to be mindful of is Split Resolution. The tank with the boss has to be very mindful of their position with the boss as when you are in the Barrier with the raid you do not want the entire safe spot to not be safe anymore. Tank the boss so the boss is outside of the barrier and you are inside and the raid can adjust based on the boss location. 

Spikes of Creation - During PTR testing we found it was simplest to just pop these as they appeared and pretty much just have a 3 stack debuff rolling at all times. There were some bugs present on PTR where stepping in them too soon would cause them to give more than 1 stack each but hopefully that's fixed on Live.

Tank Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk

[Heroic/Mythic] Ring of Peace can be used to knock adds out of the shields so that they do not take reduced damage.

Vengeance Demon Hunter

[Heroic/Mythic] Sigil of Chains can be used to knock adds out of the shields so that they do not take reduced damage.

Protection Paladin

Blessing of Spellwarding can be placed on a player who is late getting into the Barrier to save them from the Exposed Core damage.

Protection Warrior

Spell Reflection can be used to reflect Split Resolution and Wave of Disintegration.

Dissonance can be blocked.

Rallying Cry is best used to help the raid with Exposed Core (Phase 1) and Core Overload (Phase 3).

Guardian Druid

Stampeding Roar is useful to get players together for Exposed Core and for moving to the next Automated Defense Matrix.

If you are playing Restoration Affinity, Ursol's Vortex can be used on Point Defense Drones before they blink away to cast Searing Ablation to grip them back to the raid instantly and cancel the cast.

Blood Death Knight

Anti-Magic Zone is best used to mitigate raid damage taken from Exposed Core (Phase 1) and Core Overload (Phase 3).

Death GripGorefriend's Grasp and Abomination Limb are all useful tools to displace the Point Defense Drones and cancel their Searing Ablation casts.

[Heroic/Mythic] Gorefriend's Grasp can be useful to grip adds out of the shields so that they do not take reduced damage.