Anduin Wrynn's avatar

Anduin Wrynn

Updated on 21.2.2023, 14:47

Completely under Zovaal's control, Anduin stands ready to destroy any who oppose his master. As time runs out, a difficult choice must be made. Defeat the boy king to save the cosmos, or risk everything in order to restore his soul.


The currently rendered guide matches the live version.

Fight Summary

This is a three phase encounter with two intermissions. Each Phase has a unique mechanic.

Phase 1 Unique Mechanic: Blasphemy splits the raid with two debuffs, half will have Overconfidence and half with Hopelessness. They need to collide with each other to remove both debuffs. If any debuffs remain after 10 seconds those players will die and kill anyone within 6 yards of them.

Phase 2 Unique Mechanic = Grim Reflections are adds that spawn in set locations in the room. They will attempt to cast Psychic Terror which will fear the raid. CC these adds and kill them one at a time.

Phase 3 Unique Mechanic = Hopelessness is similar to Blasphemy from Phase 1 but the raid will take turns clearing their debuffs in the Beacon of Hope in the middle of the room.

Anduin Abilities

Willpower - At the end of each phase the raid will receive the Force of Will buff based on the amount of Willpower that Anduin has. This will go up to 200% damage done and 90% damage reduction.

Hopebreaker - Raid wide DoT that stacks. Is cast every ~30 seconds.

Wicked Star - Point this away from the raid and dodge.

Aim to move right after the spell finishes casting on you as shown in the clip above to avoid being hit.

Befouled Barrier - Stand inside the barrier to transfer healing into it and destroy it.

Domination Word: Pain - Unavoidable large DoT.

Dark Zeal - Tanks swap on 4-6 stacks and make sure the tank that goes into Kingsmourne Hungers has the boss before they go in to make the other tank take less damage.

Kingsmourne Hungers

Kingsmourne Hungers - Players inside of this attack will be sent into another realm. Defeat adds inside to restore Willpower to Anduin.


Anduin's Hope (Healer)

These will spawn from the middle of the room and walk to the edge. They will despawn if they reach the edge of the room.

[Heroic/Mythic] Gloom - The Anduin's Hope adds will be unable to be healed until this debuff has been dispelled from them.

Healing these to full will restore 5 Willpower to Anduin.

Anduin's Despair (Tank)

These will spawn from the middle of the room and walk to the edge. 

Rain of Despair will fly from the add and if you stand in any of these projectiles you will be debuffed and your damage and healing will be reduced by 50% (this effect stacks).

Killing this will restore 20 Willpower to Anduin.

Anduin's Doubt (DPS)

These will spawn from the edge of the room and walk to the middle.

Killing these will restore 5 Willpower to Anduin.

Phase 1 Unique Mechanic

Blasphemy - This the unique mechanic of this phase. All players in the raid will have either Overconfidence or Hopelessness. They need to collide with each other to remove both debuffs. If any debuffs remain after 10 seconds those players will die and kill anyone within 6 yards of them.

Currently: Tanks DO NOT always have opposite debuffs, so they should be spread.

Intermission 1

During this intermission Anduin will take 99% reduced damage and the you will receive the Force of Will buff which provides up to 90% Damage Reduction and 200% additional Damage Dealt based on the amount of Willpower Anduin received. 

Phasing with 100 Willpower is essential as any less may lead to deaths & more raid DPS required to complete the intermission.

In this phase you will fight against The Fallen King which spawns at 100% HP and transfers all damage taken to Anduin. He will cast Army of the Dead twice during the Intermission which spawns adds which you must kill before the Intermission ends.

If any adds survive you will have to finish them off, however you will not have your Force of Will buff anymore and all of the damage dealt from these adds are purposely inflated.

Remnant of a Fallen King

All damage taken transfers to Anduin
  • Soul Reaper - Tanks will swap on 1 stack of this debuff. This increases physical damage taken by 150% and buffs The Fallen King with 100% attack speed.
  • Remorseless Winter - Passive stacking raid damage.

Fiendish Soul

  • Necrotic Claws - Leaps towards a random player and applies a healing debuff to all players within 6 yards.
  • Have a loose raid spread but don't be too spread as you need to AoE them down.

[Heroic] Monstrous Soul

  • Only one spawns in each Intermission
  • Unraveling Frenzy - Every 1% health that is lost it will deal 5% more damage.
  • The tank not tanking The Fallen King should tank this
  • Necrotic Detonation - This is cast when the Monstrous Soul reaches 35% Health. Kill it before the cast completes, if not you will wipe.

[Heroic - Feindish Soul] Soul Explosion is triggered when they die. Move out of it.

Phase 2 Unique Mechanic

Grim Reflections adds spawn in set locations in the room in this Phase. CC them all and kill them one at a time.

Interrupt Psychic Terror.

If Wicked Star goes through any Grim Reflections they will become immune to CC and interrupts and heal.

Intermission 2

This intermission plays the same as the first one with the following additions:

Dark Presence - If any Grim Reflections are alive they will be buffed to have 500% more health and be immune to all CC and interrupts.

March of the Damned - Walls of undead will walk from one side of the room to the other. If you touch any of these you will be killed.

If you push Anduin to 10% health during this intermission all adds will despawn and Phase 3 will begin.

Phase 3 Unique Mechanic

When this phase begins Anduin will create a Beacon of Hope in the middle of the room.

Do not run into the Beacon of Hope as it has a limited amount of charges and one charge will be consumed for each person that runs into it regardless of if they have a debuff or not.

Hopelessness is similar to Blasphemy from Phase 1. Everyone will share the same type of debuff and need to run into the Beacon of Hope to clear their debuff. Purging Light is triggered when a player clears their Hopelessness debuff.

Making contact with another player will cause you to explode killing you and anyone within 6 yards!

Empowered Hopebreaker - This replaces Hopebreaker and effectively does three pulses of Hopebreaker applying one stack per pulse.

Tank Damage Profile

80% Physical
10% Frost
10% Shadow
70% Auto Attack 
Remorseless Winter 
Hopebreaker & Domination Word 

Anduin Swing Timer: 2s (Curse of Weakness 2.4s)

Anduins Despair Swing Timer: 1.5s (Curse of Weakness 1.8s)

The Fallen King Swing Timer 2.5s (Curse of Weakness 3s)

Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk

Leg Sweep can be used to keep the Fiendish Souls in place during the Intermissions.

Ring of Peace can be placed on ranged players to bounce Fiendish Souls back to melee.

Paralysis can be used to CC Grim Reflections.

Vengeance Demon Hunter

Sigil of Chains is useful to grip the Anduin's Doubt adds together.

Sigil of Misery can be used to CC Grim Reflections.

Sigil of Silence can be used to apply a blanket silence to Grim Reflections.

Protection Paladin

Turn Evil and Hammer of Justice can be used to CC Grim Reflections.

Playing with Hand of the Protector talent can be very useful to heal Anduins Hope during Kingsmorne Hungers phases as they start on low HP so your Word of Glory casts will heal for a lot.

Protection Warrior

Soul Reaper is blockable.

Rallying Cry is best used to help the raid during Intermissions, Hopebreakers and Empowered Hopebreakers.

Guardian Druid

Stampeding Roar is useful to help players move with Wicked Star or to move around the room during Phase 2 as you move to Grim Reflection adds.

Blood Death Knight

Asphyxiate can be used to CC Grim Reflections.

Anti-Magic Zone is best used to mitigate raid damage taken from Kingsmourne Hungers and Empowered Hopebreaker.

Anti-Magic Shell can be used to become immune to the silence effects from Wicked Star and to negate the debuff from Rain of Despair.

Gorefriend's Grasp & Abomination Limb are useful to grip Anduin's Doubt and Fiendish Souls.

Use Abomination Limb on cooldown after your first use on this encounter. This will mean that you cast it inside Kingsmorne 1 in Phase 1, Intermission 1 on the first wave of adds, Kingsmorne 1 in Phase 2, Intermission 2 on the first wave of adds and in Phase 3 for damage.

You should play Necrolord for this encounter. Be careful when using Abomination Limb whilst gripping Anduin's Doubt adds together as if you grip them through the middle they will be consumed and you will lose potential Willpower.

Fight Summary

This is a three phase encounter with two intermissions. Each Phase has a unique mechanic.

Phase 1 Unique Mechanic: Blasphemy splits the raid with two debuffs, half will have Overconfidence and half with Hopelessness. They need to collide with each other to remove both debuffs. If any debuffs remain after 10 seconds those players will die and kill anyone within 6 yards of them.

Phase 2 Unique Mechanic = Grim Reflections are adds that spawn in set locations in the room. They will attempt to cast Psychic Terror which will fear the raid. CC these adds and kill them one at a time.

Phase 3 Unique Mechanic = Hopelessness is similar to Blasphemy from Phase 1 but the raid will take turns clearing their debuffs in the Beacon of Hope in the middle of the room.

Pre-Fight Assignments

Bloodlust/Time Warp/Heroism is best used either in the Intermission if you need more boss damage or Phase 3 if you have too much boss damage.

Kingsmorne Hunger Assignments

You need to pre-assign groups for Kingsmourne Hungers. Your first group should contain players who are better with AoE and your second group are people with more Single Target.

You will also need to assign knockbacks/grips in the first group. More detail on that is found in the Kingsmorne Hungers section of this page.

Healer Assignments

You will need to assign healer cooldowns for Barriers during Phase 1 & 2, Intermissions and the debuff clears in Phase 3.

Phase 1

The first barrier will have the entire raid in it, so only a damage reduction cooldown is required here (if any).

The second and third barriers will have half of the raid in them. Throughput cooldowns should be used here with a Rally (if available).

Intermission 1

A consistent stream of healer cooldowns are required here to survive the increasing amounts of raid damage.

Phase 2

Both barriers in this phase will be with half of the raid. As with phase 1 throughput cooldowns are best used here.

Intermission 2

These assignments will be similar to the first intermission, however positional cooldowns should be reserved for Phase 3 as you will be moving a lot.

Phase 3

Positional cooldowns & strong throughput are best used for the Empowered Hopebreaker.

All other cooldowns should be spread out for the Hopelessness clearing to keep the raid healthy whilst they are spread out.

DPS Cooldowns

You will want to have some DPS cooldowns used in each Kingsmourne Hungers Phase, but also have them all back up for Intermissions.

People who go down in the first Kingsmourne Hungers will have 2 minute cooldowns back for the first half of the Intermissions, and people who go down second will have it back for the second half.

3 minute cooldowns can be used on pull & each Intermission.

Adjust these as necessary to meet the DPS checks in each Phase/Intermission.

Phase 2 - Crowd Controls

Have assigned players to take ownership of the Crowd Control in this Phase. Use where the boss is positioned as your reference point.

For example, have one/two players handle ones that spawn far away. One that takes left, one right and one middle. If any spawn on boss nuke that one down first.

Make clear calls of which add you are wanting to kill next and move when the add is on ~20% HP as Anduin loves to stand still sometimes.

Phase 3 - Hopelessness Clearing Groups

You should split your raid into teams of up to 5 and make clear calls when they go to clear their debuffs. Keep track of the Purging Light debuff and when it fades the next group should go in.

Melee DPS should be cleared first so they can stack back on the boss and DPS, after them send any remaining melee and work your way through the raid. Tanks should be sent with groups when they are not tanking and this will act as your tank swap.

Anduin Abilities

Willpower - At the end of each phase the raid will receive the Force of Will buff based on the amount of Willpower that Anduin has. This will go up to 200% damage done and 90% damage reduction

Hopebreaker - Raid wide DoT that stacks. Is cast every ~30 seconds.

Wicked Star - This will target a player and shoot towards them and then come back shortly after. Any players hit will take a large burst of Shadow damage and be silenced for 4 seconds.

Aim to move right after the spell finishes casting on you as shown in the clip above to avoid being hit.

Befouled Barrier - A barrier will be placed down in front of Anduin. Standing inside the barrier will transfer 75% of healing into it. The barrier will reduce in size as it gets healed and disappear when fully healed. If the barrier is still active after 30 seconds you will wipe.

Domination Word: Pain - Debuff applied to several players in the raid. Deals a large amount of Shadow damage every 2 seconds for 12 seconds.

Dark Zeal - This buff will be applied to Anduin for each consecutive melee attack. Swap on 4-6 stacks and make sure the tank that goes into Kingsmourne Hungers has the boss before they go in to make the other tank take less damage.

Kingsmourne Hungers

Kingsmourne Hungers - Players inside of this attack will be sent into another realm. Inside this realm they must defeat Anduin's Hope (Healer), Depair (Tank) and Doubt (DPS). Defeating these will restore Willpower to Anduin.


Anduin's Hope (Healer)

These will spawn from the middle of the room and walk to the edge. They will despawn if they reach the edge of the room.

[Heroic/Mythic] Gloom - The Anduin's Hope adds will be unable to be healed until this debuff has been dispelled from them.

Healing these to full will restore 5 Willpower to Anduin.

Anduin's Despair (Tank)

These will spawn from the middle of the room and walk to the edge. 

Rain of Despair will fly from the add and if you stand in any of these projectiles you will be debuffed and your damage and healing will be reduced by 50% (this effect stacks).

Killing this will restore 20 Willpower to Anduin.

Anduin's Doubt (DPS)

These will spawn from the edge of the room and walk to the middle.

Killing these will restore 5 Willpower to Anduin.

How to Handle this Phase Optimally

Ideally you want to obtain 60 Energy with the first Kingsmourne group and 40 with the Second.

For Heroic, ideally have a priest in each group to Mass Dispel the Hopes so they can be healed and Death Knights in the first group for grips. The Death Knight(s) should also play Necrolord for additional grips.

For the first group you should have knockbacks/grips assigned to bring all of the adds together for AoE cleave. You will also need to heal all 4x Hopes.

For the second group you only need to obtain 40 of the 60 Energy. This can be achieved with one of the following:
 - Kill Despair, 1x Doubt and Heal all 4x Hopes. (45 Energy, small buffer to play with)
 - Kill 4x Doubt and Heal all 4x Hopes. (40 Energy)

I would recommend going the 45 Energy route as its simpler to execute as you drag the Despair onto a Doubt and cleave them down. This also means that if you missed one add during the first Kingsmourne group you can recover.

Phase 1 Unique Mechanic

Blasphemy - This the unique mechanic of this phase. All players in the raid will have either Overconfidence or Hopelessness. They need to collide with each other to remove both debuffs. If any debuffs remain after 10 seconds those players will die and kill anyone within 6 yards of them.

Currently: Tanks DO NOT always have opposite debuffs, so they should be spread.

Intermission 1

During this intermission Anduin will take 99% reduced damage and the you will receive the Force of Will buff which provides up to 90% Damage Reduction and 200% additional Damage Dealt based on the amount of Willpower Anduin received. 

Phasing with 100 Willpower is essential as any less may lead to deaths & more raid DPS required to complete the intermission.

In this phase you will fight against The Fallen King which spawns at 100% HP and transfers all damage taken to Anduin. He will cast Army of the Dead twice during the Intermission which spawns adds which you must kill before the Intermission ends.

If any adds survive you will have to finish them off, however you will not have your Force of Will buff anymore and all of the damage dealt from these adds are purposely inflated.

Remnant of a Fallen King
All damage taken transfers to Anduin
  • Soul Reaper - Tanks will swap on 1 stack of this debuff. This increases physical damage taken by 150% and buffs The Fallen King with 100% attack speed.
  • Remorseless Winter - Passive stacking raid damage.

Fiendish Soul
  • Necrotic Claws - Leaps towards a random player and applies a healing debuff to all players within 6 yards.
  • Have a loose raid spread but don't be too spread as you need to AoE them down.

[Heroic] Soul Explosion - When they die a purple zone will appear and deal a lethal amount of damage to players in the area.

These always go on the furthest player to them when they die. have a few ranged DPS stand away from the group to bait it.

[Heroic/Mythic] Monstrous Soul
One spawns each Intermission
  • Unraveling Frenzy - Every 1% health that is lost it will deal 5% more damage.
  • The tank not tanking The Fallen King should tank this
  • Necrotic Detonation - This is cast when the Monstrous Soul reaches 35% Health. Kill it before the cast completes, if not you will wipe.

Phase 2 Unique Mechanic

Grim Reflections are adds that spawn in set locations in the room. They will attempt to cast Psychic Terror which will fear the raid. CC these adds and kill them one at a time.

You are able to see where these spawn with a small Shadow that appears on the ground. Use this to pre-place CC.

If Wicked Star goes through any Grim Reflections they will become immune to CC and interrupts and heal.

Intermission 2

This intermission plays the same as the first one with the following additions:

Dark Presence - If any Grim Reflections are alive they will be buffed to have 500% more health and be immune to all CC and interrupts.

March of the Damned - Walls of undead will walk from one side of the room to the other. If you touch any of these you will be killed.

Aim to move behind walls that have just passed you as this will give you a greater amount of time before you need to move again.

If you push Anduin to 10% health during this intermission all adds will despawn and Phase 3 will begin.

Phase 3 Unique Mechanic

When this phase begins Anduin will create a Beacon of Hope in the middle of the room.

Do not run into the Beacon of Hope as it has a limited amount of charges and one charge will be consumed for each person that runs into it regardless of if they have a debuff or not.

Hopelessness is similar to Blasphemy from Phase 1. Everyone will share the same type of debuff and need to run into the Beacon of Hope to clear their debuff. Purging Light is triggered when a player clears their Hopelessness debuff and you should aim to clear up to 5 at a time and let Purging Light reset.

Making contact with another player will cause you to explode killing you and anyone within 6 yards!

Empowered Hopebreaker - This replaces Hopebreaker and effectively does three pulses of Hopebreaker applying one stack per pulse.

The flow of this phase is that the raid should be stacked on the boss for Empowered Hopebreaker and then spread out for Hopelessness., groups of up to 5 will clear their stacks in a sequence being careful to not extend the Purging Light DoT on the raid. After a group has cleared their Hopelessness they stack back on the boss and repeat.

Tank Damage Profile

80% Physical
10% Frost
10% Shadow
70% Auto Attack 
Remorseless Winter 
Hopebreaker & Domination Word 

Anduin Swing Timer: 2s (Curse of Weakness 2.4s)

Anduins Despair Swing Timer: 1.5s (Curse of Weakness 1.8s)

The Fallen King Swing Timer 2.5s (Curse of Weakness 3s)

Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk

Leg Sweep can be used to keep the Fiendish Souls in place during the Intermissions.

Ring of Peace can be placed on ranged players to bounce Fiendish Souls back to melee.

Paralysis can be used to CC Grim Reflections.

Vengeance Demon Hunter

Sigil of Chains is useful to grip the Anduin's Doubt adds together.

Sigil of Misery can be used to CC Grim Reflections.

Sigil of Silence can be used to apply a blanket silence to Grim Reflections.

Protection Paladin

Turn Evil and Hammer of Justice can be used to CC Grim Reflections.

Playing with Hand of the Protector talent can be very useful to heal Anduins Hope during Kingsmorne Hungers phases as they start on low HP so your Word of Glory casts will heal for a lot.

Protection Warrior

Soul Reaper is blockable.

Rallying Cry is best used to help the raid during Intermissions, Hopebreakers and Empowered Hopebreakers.

Guardian Druid

Stampeding Roar is useful to help players move with Wicked Star or to move around the room during Phase 2 as you move to Grim Reflection adds.

Blood Death Knight

Asphyxiate can be used to CC Grim Reflections.

Anti-Magic Zone is best used to mitigate raid damage taken from Kingsmourne Hungers and Empowered Hopebreaker.

Anti-Magic Shell can be used to become immune to the silence effects from Wicked Star and to negate the debuff from Rain of Despair.

Gorefriend's Grasp & Abomination Limb are useful to grip Anduin's Doubt and Fiendish Souls.

Use Abomination Limb on cooldown after your first use on this encounter. This will mean that you cast it inside Kingsmorne 1 in Phase 1, Intermission 1 on the first wave of adds, Kingsmorne 1 in Phase 2, Intermission 2 on the first wave of adds and in Phase 3 for damage.

You should play Necrolord for this encounter. Be careful when using Abomination Limb whilst gripping Anduin's Doubt adds together as if you grip them through the middle they will be consumed and you will lose potential Willpower.

What's New for Mythic?

All Phases

Wicked Stars will now spawn in groups of 2. This means that 6 players in total will have to move each time it is cast.

Willpower amounts provided by adds is reduced. Anduins Despair now provides 18 Willpower and Hope & Doubt provide 4 each. This means that you need to clear the room each time you go down.

When you go down into the Kingsmourne Hungers realm, a copy of your soul will be left behind. In order to leave this Soul needs to be killed. However, as soon as they die the player will be pulled upstairs so you can't full nuke them.

Additionally, the souls of the players will be casting Banish Soul which will kill the player instantly if the cast completes. This cast cannot be interrupted! However, the add can be stunned/disoriented.

Phase 1

Blasphemy explodes on players without a debuff meaning that movement needs to be more carefully considered.

Phase 2

When a Grim Reflection add has been killed, all others will recieve the Grim Fate buff which increases their haste by 250%.

Phase 3

When a player enters the barrier in the middle to clear their Hopelessness debuff a Fragment of Hope will shoot out from it. This needs to be caught by another player and their stack will also be cleared.

Wicked Stars are now Empowered Wicked Stars and they will bounce around the room for the rest of the fight!

Pre-Fight Assignments

In addition to previous assignments for this encounter you will need a stun/CC rotation for the souls left behind. During my PTR testing a 4/5 person rotation was enough.

Fight Strategy

This section will be updated once the boss has been defeated on Live Servers.