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Sylvanas Windrunner

Updated on 21.2.2023, 14:47

With Oribos in peril, a desperate battle at the pinnacle of the Sanctum begins. Standing between the Jailer and the mortals who would stop him is Sylvanas Windrunner. With no masks left to wear, the Banshee Queen unleashes her full power to protect the Banished One while his ultimate plan unfolds.

Back to Sanctum of Domination
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The currently rendered guide matches the live version.

TL:DR Notes

Phase 1

Don't get baited by Windrunner her hitbox is where she cast the spell from. Pretend she never moved.

Tanks be ready to use defensives at a moments notice when she has 3 or more stacks of Ranger's Heartseeker as the cast can be delayed. As soon as you see the cast start for Ranger's Heartseeker pop a defensive reactively.

Do not spend too much time out of melee range whilst having threat as she will repeatedly cast Ranger Shot, with cast cast dealing more damage than the last due to a stacking debuff on you.

Run out of Veil of Darkness when it happens. Sylvanas will leap to the tank after the cast finishes.

Dodge the Domination Chains circles. If you have stacks of Barbed Arrow be near a chain to be tethered to it to remove your stacks.


Everyone in the raid will be chained.

Dodge the debris lines.

Phase 2

Don't get knocked off the chains or the bridges from Haunting Wave.

Interrupt Ruin whenever it is cast.

Watch out for the smaller Veil of Darkness circles.

Focus the adds in the following order:
Decrepit Orbs > Summoners > Vanguard > Goliath > Souljudge > Hopebreaker

Phase 3

You can jump between the platforms by running to the edges.

Watch out for the Shadow Dagger lines.

Avoid picking up Banshee's Bane puddles unless you are assigned to move them.

Move platform before Sylvanas finishes casting Raze.

Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk

Celestial Brew is important to have active to mitigate the damage from Ranger's Heartseeker combos.

Touch of Death is useful to kill a Domination Chain quickly.

Use Zen Meditation when you are not taking but have multiple stacks of Banshee's Bane in Phase 3.

Vengeance Demon Hunter

If you are playing with the Fiery Soul legendary you will have Fiery Brand available for every Ranger's Heartseeeker combo. If not you will want to rotate between Fiery Brand and Fel Devastation/Metamorphosis/Trinket.

If you are a Kyrian Demon Hunter save Elysian Decree for Domination Chains as the cooldowns roughly line up.

Use Infernal Strike to move out with Wailing Arrows.

You can double jump over Haunting Waves.

[Advanced] If your group is slow to kill the adds in Phase 2, you can cross to the next platform without a bridge by double jumping, casting Glide and then Infernal Strike.

[Heroic/Mythic] Try to have two charges of Infernal Strike ready for when you need to be dispelled in Phase 3. One to leap out and one to leap back in.

Protection Paladin

Make sure you have a Word of Glory ready for Ranger's Heartseeker combos and use it part way through to survive with ease.

Having a Word of Glory ready for Wailing Arrow is useful to keep yourself healthy as you will not be in range of healers. Remember to place down Consecration before it hits for additional damage reduction!

If you are out of range of Sylvanas whilst having threat of her, maintain Shield of the Righteous as she will be casting Ranger Shot on you.

Blessing of Spellwarding can prevent stacks of Banshee's Mark/Banshee's Bane from being applied. 

Divine Shield can also prevent stacks of Banshee's Mark/Banshee's Bane from being applied however it will also dispel any stacks on you as well, so use this when you are on 0 stacks only. Additionally, Divine Shield will make Sylvanas target someone else so you will need to taunt immediately after using it.

Note: If you have Blessing of Spellwarding/Divine Shield active in Phase 3, when you run over any Banshee's Bane puddles you will not pick them up.

Protection Warrior

Shield Block will block the Physical Portion of Ranger's Heartseeker combos. Spell Reflection will deflect 1 tick of the Magical Portion, Ignore Pain will absorb damage from both.

Utilise Heroic Leap to move out with Wailing Arrow.

Ranger Shot and Ranger Strike are blockable.

Guardian Druid

You will have Barkskin available for every Ranger's Heartseeker combo.

Stampeding Roar is useful for helping players move out of Veil of Darkness and over Bridges in Phase 2.

Earthwarden DOES NOT work on her atatcks.

Blood Death Knight

Anti-Magic Shell will prevent stacks of Banshee's Mark/Banshee's Bane. On higher difficulties you will need to use Rune Tap as well to allow Anti-Magic Shell to hold for all 3 shots.

If you are a Necrolord Death Knight Fleshcraft and Anti-Magic Shell stack together allowing Anti-Magic Shell to stay intact for much longer allowing you soak double combos with ease.

Rune Tap for Wailing Arrows to reduce damage taken as you will not be in range of anything to hit.

Death's Advance will avoid the pulling effect from being attached to Domination Chains.

Death's Advance will negate the push back from Haunting Waves (but you will still get debuff stacks unless you have Anti-Magic Shell active as well).

Note: If you have Anti-Magic Shell active in Phase 3, when you run over any Banshee's Bane puddles you will not pick them up.

Fight Summary

This is a three-phase encounter with one intermission where you will fight, chase, and ultimately defeat Sylvanas? Only time will tell. This fight takes place in multiple locations and will have you chasing after Sylvanas with the help of some familiar faces.

Phase 1 (100%-80%)

Windrunner - Sylvanas will buff herself with Windrunner and cast a lot of spells in quick succession. Whilst she casts all of these spells she will be moving...everywhere. She will hit players with Withering Fire which will apply a stack of Barbed Arrow.
She will fire Desecrating Shot arrows on the ground, which can be dodged.
Finally, she will throw Shadow Daggers at players leaving a 9 second DoT on them.

Note: When she has the Windrunner buff, her hitbox is where she casts the spell, so you do not need to follow where she is moving. Just pretend she's standing still.

Ranger's Heartseeker - Every 5 seconds Sylvanas will gain a stack of Ranger's Heartseeker. When she has 3 or more stacks, she can replace her auto-attack Ranger Shot/Ranger Strike with this and fire set(s) of 3 Ranger's Heartseeker at the tank. Each hit will apply a stack of Banshee's Mark, which will apply an 18 second long Shadow damage DoT.

Ranger Shot - This is cast on a sequence and when the tank is not in melee range. Each cast will apply a debuff making the target take more damage from subsequent shots.

Note: She could often go very long periods of time without casting Ranger's Heartseeker and would often go to 6 stacks or more, meaning that Ranger's Heartseeker would be cast back to back. Be ready to use defensives if this happens.

Wailing Arrow - The tank will be targeted with a large shadow aura around them. After 9 seconds, this arrow will detonate on the tank. It will deal damage to the raid reduced based on their distance from the tank.

Veil of Darkness - Sylvanas leaps into the air and creates a very large shadow circle on the ground. Any players inside this shadow circle when this cast completes will have a healing absorb applied to them. The absorb will jump every second to another player. However, it is completely avoidable.

Note: When Sylvanas finishes this cast, she will stay where she lands and this becomes your new tanking position.

Domination Chains - These are key to your survival in this phase as it is the only way to remove Barbed Arrow. Sylvanas will mark locations on the floor, and the closest player to these will be tethered to the chain. They will be constantly pulled towards the chain, and the raid must DPS down all of the chains before the players get caught in another mechanic.

[Heroic] Calamity - If the player tethered to a Chain gets too close to their chain, they will die.

This phase will continue until you bring Sylvanas down to 80% health.

Intermission (80%)

Sylvanas will gain a 99% damage reduction when this phase begins and put a Domination Chain on every player. The raid must free each other from these chains to dodge the mechanics in this phase.

Banshee Wail - This will deal damage to players based on their missing health. The lower your health, the more deadly this spell is. It will also damage all players within 5 yards and interrupt all spell casting for 3 seconds. Ensure you are spread out and healthy.

Rive & Riven Debris - Chunks of Torghast will be thrown across the platform. If any of these hits you, you will likely die.

This intermission will end once enough time has passed.

Phase 2 (Chasing Sylvanas)

Sylvanas is once again taking 99% reduced damage during this phase, and you will be chasing her up the Chains of Torghast. Once you reach her on the 2nd and FInal Platform her 99% damage reduction will be removed temporarily. During this phase, she will continue to gain stacks of Ranger's Heartseeker and cast Banshee Wail.

Jaina and Thrall will join you and build bridges between the Chains. As you chase her, she will attempt to push you off the chains with Haunting Wave.

Note: Some of the bridges seemed to have holes in them, which can be quite difficult to spot, so be careful.

Ruin - Sylvanas will constantly move up the chains and cast this spell once she gets to a set location. This spell has a 5 second cast time and will kill the raid. You must interrupt it else you will wipe.

Veil of Darkness - This spell returns. However, it will be multiple smaller clouds rather than one big cloud.

[Heroic] Hymn of the End - If no players are within 50 yards of the Mawsworn adds, they will channel raid-wide Shadow damage.

Once you have left the initial platform Mawsworn adds will spawn, you will fight Sylvanas on the 2nd and Final Platform and Mawsworn on all other platforms.

Mawsworn Vanguard

Accursed Might - Each cast will apply a stacking buff to the Vanguard, increasing damage done by 50%, health by 30%, and speed by 10%.

[Heroic] Unstoppable Force - This will deal damage to all targets within 5 yards of the tank. Ensure the tank is away from others.

Kill this before they get too many stacks and they 1 shot the tank.

Mawsworn Hopebreaker

Destabilize - This will channel onto a random player dealing a low amount of damage. However, it will apply a stacking healing absorb for 10% of their health per stack.

[Heroic] Enflame - The melee swings will now deal a small amount of Fire damage to the raid.

Mawforged Souljudge

 Crushing Dread - This debuff is applied to a random player and will deal a large burst of Shadow damage to the player, and everyone within 5 yards every 2 seconds. Each time it deals damage, it deals 10% more. This debuff can be dispelled. However, it will jump to another player until the Souljudge has been defeated.

Dispel this on cooldown to reduce damage taken by the raid.

[Heroic] Lashing Strike - A tank swap has been added, which applies the stacking bleed Lashing Wound.

Mawforged Summoner

Decrepit Orb - 4 of these orbs will be summoned, and they will explode on death. The amount of damage they do when they explode increases based on the time they have been alive.

Kill these as your top priority to lower raid damage taken.

[Heroic] Curse of Lethargy - A low ticking Shadow DoT, however each cast increases the duration by 1 second.

This should be decursed as quickly as possible to lower raid damage taken. Mages, Druids, Shamans of any specialisation can remove curses.

Mawforged Goliath

Fury - This stacking buff is gained when the Goliath attacks the same target multiple times.

Tanks should aim to swap often to keep these stacks low.

Once you have chased Sylvanas to the end of the Chains, you will be teleported to Phase 3.

Phase 3 (The Finale?)

At the start of this phase, you will be teleported to Oribos, where you will have the final showdown against Sylvanas. There will be four platforms in this room that will slowly be destroyed as the phase plays out. Your goal is to defeat her before you run out of platforms to use, as they will be getting destroyed when she casts Raze.

Invigorating Field - Allows players to jump between platforms and will also provide a small speed bonus.

Returning Abilities:

Wailing Arrow - Will go on three players instead of just the tank. Usually a tank and two others but can be three non-tank players.

Veil of Darkness - Small puddles like in Phase 2.

Banshee Scream - Functions the same as before, scaling damage based on missing health which can spread to players within 5 yards.

New Abilities:

Shadow Dagger - Lines will appear in a starburst pattern from Sylvanas. After a couple of seconds, Daggers will fly in each of these lines. Any players hit by these daggers will have a large Shadow DoT applied to them. Avoid being hit by these.

Banshee's Heartseeker - This is functionally the same as the tank mechanic from Phase 1 and 2. However, each stack will apply Banshee's Bane to the tank.

 Banshee's Bane - This debuff is applied by Banshee's Heartseeker and making contact with a Banshee's Bane pool on the ground. When the Banshee's Bane debuff is either dispelled or expires, a pool will appear on the ground. 

As many pools will appear throughout the phase, you will need player(s) to intentionally pick up these pools to move them to a safer location (such as a corner) to give the raid more room.

[Heroic] Banshee's Fury - This will deal a small amount of raid-wide Shadow damage. However, if any players have any stacks of Banshee's Bane, it will deal a large burst of Shadow damage to all players based on the number of stacks being held. Ensure all stacks have been dispelled from players before this cast completes.

Raze - Disables the ability to jump between platforms for the platform she is currently on. It will also make the ground on that platform deal a very high amount of Shadow damage every 0.5 seconds.

Before the platform is destroyed, it is advisable to move any Banshee's Bane pools from other platforms to the one she is going to destroy to give the raid more room for mechanics.

Tank Damage Profile

70% Shadow
30% Physical
5% Ranger Shot 

Ranger Shot Timer: 1.5s (Curse of Weakness Doesn't Work)

Ranger Strike Timer: 1s (Curse of Weakness Doesn't Work)

Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk

Celestial Brew is important to have active to mitigate the damage from Ranger's Heartseeker combos.

Touch of Death is useful to kill a Domination Chain quickly.

Use Zen Meditation when you are not taking but have multiple stacks of Banshee's Bane in Phase 3.

Vengeance Demon Hunter

If you are playing with the Fiery Soul legendary you will have Fiery Brand available for every Ranger's Heartseeeker combo. If not you will want to rotate between Fiery Brand and Fel Devastation/Metamorphosis/Trinket.

If you are a Kyrian Demon Hunter save Elysian Decree for Domination Chains as the cooldowns roughly line up.

Use Infernal Strike to move out with Wailing Arrows.

You can double jump over Haunting Waves.

[Advanced] If your group is slow to kill the adds in Phase 2, you can cross to the next platform without a bridge by double jumping, casting Glide and then Infernal Strike.

[Heroic/Mythic] Try to have two charges of Infernal Strike ready for when you need to be dispelled in Phase 3. One to leap out and one to leap back in.

Protection Paladin

Make sure you have a Word of Glory ready for Ranger's Heartseeker combos and use it part way through to survive with ease.

Having a Word of Glory ready for Wailing Arrow is useful to keep yourself healthy as you will not be in range of healers. Remember to place down Consecration before it hits for additional damage reduction!

If you are out of range of Sylvanas whilst having threat of her, maintain Shield of the Righteous as she will be casting Ranger Shot on you.

Blessing of Spellwarding can prevent stacks of Banshee's Mark/Banshee's Bane from being applied. 

Divine Shield can also prevent stacks of Banshee's Mark/Banshee's Bane from being applied however it will also dispel any stacks on you as well, so use this when you are on 0 stacks only. Additionally, Divine Shield will make Sylvanas target someone else so you will need to taunt immediately after using it.

Note: If you have Blessing of Spellwarding/Divine Shield active in Phase 3, when you run over any Banshee's Bane puddles you will not pick them up.

Protection Warrior

Shield Block will block the Physical Portion of Ranger's Heartseeker combos. Spell Reflection will deflect 1 tick of the Magical Portion, Ignore Pain will absorb damage from both.

Utilise Heroic Leap to move out with Wailing Arrow.

Ranger Shot and Ranger Strike are blockable.

Guardian Druid

You will have Barkskin available for every Ranger's Heartseeker combo.

Stampeding Roar is useful for helping players move out of Veil of Darkness and over Bridges in Phase 2.

Earthwarden DOES NOT work on her atatcks.

Blood Death Knight

Anti-Magic Shell will prevent stacks of Banshee's Mark/Banshee's Bane. On higher difficulties you will need to use Rune Tap as well to allow Anti-Magic Shell to hold for all 3 shots.

If you are a Necrolord Death Knight Fleshcraft and Anti-Magic Shell stack together allowing Anti-Magic Shell to stay intact for much longer allowing you soak double combos with ease.

Rune Tap for Wailing Arrows to reduce damage taken as you will not be in range of anything to hit.

Death's Advance will avoid the pulling effect from being attached to Domination Chains.

Death's Advance will negate the push back from Haunting Waves (but you will still get debuff stacks unless you have Anti-Magic Shell active as well).

Note: If you have Anti-Magic Shell active in Phase 3, when you run over any Banshee's Bane puddles you will not pick them up.

What's New for Mythic?

The final boss of the raid, as always has many changes from previous versions of the encounter. The theme is the same but how it plays out is different.

Phase 1 - Chains have fixed locations, Wailing Arrows are now Black Arrows and they now spawn adds. 

Intermission - There are 19 Chains, and they all have relatively fixed locations. There are now nine sets of Rive, and each Rive has multiple lines (up from 1).

Phase 2 - The raid will be split into 2 for of the add sets. Haunting Wave comes from Sylvanas and all of her Clones.

Phase 3 - Each Platform is significantly longer (apart from the first one). The tank combo will change periodically to Banshee Blades, which is primarily magic rather than primarily physical, there are now soaks on Platform 2+3, which knock you back when soaked (wipe if not soaked).

Most importantly, the fight now ends at 44.8%.

Pre-Fight Assignments

There are a lot of cooldowns to assign before hand on this encounter. As the entire fight runs on a pretty strict script you want to play around that.

Phase 1

You will want to assign DPS cooldowns on each Chain set, a rough guideline can be seen in the table below.

CD Length Chain 1 (~36s) Chain 2 (~1m 31s) Chain 3 (~2m34s)
1 min or less Y Y Y
2 min Y X Y
3 min Y X X
4 min X X X

For example a Kyrian Hunter could be assigned on every Chain reliably (with the CDR from the Mikanikos Soulbind Trait, but a Night Fae hunter you would assign to 1st and 3rd.

If you have any Venthyr Moonkins then they should be assigned to Chain 1 and then their 2nd use will be on the intermission where they handle it all themselves.


During the Intermission you will want to assign players on certain clumps of chains. Moonkins can cover a lot of the room with Starfall.

Phase 2

You will need to assign people to each side to deal with the Mawsworn add waves. This should be done in a similar way to Phase 1 with managing who will use cooldowns on each Platform focus on what DPS spec brings with their cooldowns and plan around that.

The structure of cooldown planning in Phase 2 is: Add 1 > Boss Burn 1 > Add 2 > Boss Burn 2

Some examples include:

Windwalker Monk will provide exceptional amounts of AoE damage so they should be assigned to either First or Second Adds rather than Boss Burns.
Venthyr Moonkins will have their CDs back from Intermission in time for the Second Adds in Phase 2 so if you have any of those you can plan around that and potentially have more people using CDs on Boss Burn 2.
Fire & Arcane Mages can go on anything and are pretty flexible. Add 1 + Add 2, Add 1 + Boss 2, Boss 1 + Boss 2 as examples.
Warriors can do either both Boss Burns or both Add Waves.
Havoc Demon Hunters can either do Add 1 or Boss Burn 1 due to their CD being so long.

You will also want to plan who goes on what side based on this and the needs of each of the Add sets.

Add 1: A 10/10 raid split is pretty standard here, but if CDs are much stronger on one side than the other you can go with 11/9.
Add 2: The side that goes left to the Colossus will not need as many people, but will need at least 7 with one healer to split the damage taken.

You will also need to assign mobility tools to help the raid get to add waves/boss burns faster.

Wind Rush Totems are best used before an Add Wave as it can cover both bridges.
Stampeding Roars are best used to either dodge Veils during Add Waves or to get to Boss Burns.

Phase 3

You will want to assign the following:
 - Which tank is the boss tank and which is the platform clearer?
 - Where everybody is standing for Scream + Veils.
 - Who is soaking each of the Merciless zones.
 - Who is clearing Platform 2 when you land.
 - Where each tank gets dispelled.

Assigning spots for Scream + Veils are one of the key things to establish ahead of time and requires some thought with regards to role and their soaking positions for Merciless.

Please note: Merciless locations can be random but it tends to prefer the locations marked below.

With the above in mind, the soakers for each of these Merciless pools should have their Scream + Veil spread locations somewhat nearby.

Platform 2 Merciless Soaks can be done by most classes but its advisable to set Moonkins as a preference as they will not be in a cooldown window.

Platform 3 Merciless Soaks should be divided as follows:
 - For the first set you get on Platform 3 these should be players who do not get knocked or can negate the knockback as a Veil happens at the same time. These would include Warlocks, Death Knights or Mages.
 - For the second set there will be a lot of Banshee's Bane pools on the ground so players with mobile immunities are preferable so they do not pick up these pools such as Hunters, Paladins or Rogues.

An example and template of a Phase 3 Map is below. RaidPlan Link so you can edit to your needs.

Mid-Fight Assignments

If any players die during Phase 2, you will need to be able to adapt and figure out what specific task they were contributing towards and gain support on that. There are many players who will not be cooldowning who you can move to the other side to help balance out damage.

In Phase 2 if your Warlock dies you will need to make everyone aware so they run out of Veils during boss burns.

In Phase 3 if you get multiple people hit by Veil you will need to call for the people hit to use Personals and potentially call on Hybrid classes to help heal (Venthyr Moonkins outside of cooldowns are a good choice here as they do tank levels of damage outside of cooldowns so its not a huge Raid DPS loss compared to the person dying).

Tanking Sylvanas Mythic

Your tanking approach for the strategy I will outline here will be based on your tanking combination, and the Tanks will be given one of two roles.

 - Boss Tank (P3)
 - Platform Clearer (P3)

How you approach P1 and P2 will not differ.

Of every tank, Blood Death Knight is by far the best choice as a Boss Tank and the worst choice as a Platform Clearer.

Brewmaster Monk and Vengeance Demon Hunter are the best choices as Platform Clearers, therefore if your tanking combination features one of these two, assign them to this role.

Every tank should use Shard of Annhylde's Aegis if they have one. Ideally you want the Heroic or Mythic version of this trinket.

Boss Tank (P3)

This tank will be tanking the boss for the entirety of Phase 3, they will be tanking all of the tank combos and be taking a very large amount of damage consistently throughout the Phase. They will also be responsible for clearing up puddles on the active boss platform.

Protection Paladin + Blood Death Knight have distinct advantages here as they are able to not receive stacks of Banshee's Bane from the boss when she does her combos thus removing stacks/puddles entirely from the encounter.

Platform Clearer (P3)

This tank will be clearing all future platforms and taunt the boss to be the target of each set of Wailing Arrows. This tank will be taking a large amount of damage whilst out of range of all healers therefore will need to be mindful of when their defensive utility is being used and leverage on external cooldowns as necessary.

You will want whichever of your Tanks are the best suited for this role to be doing it, as every tank can do the Boss Tank role well, however not all tanks can do the Platform Clearer role well.

Example Tank Combinations

Blood Death Knight + Anything = Blood Death Knight is the Boss Tank and the other tank is Platform Clearer.

Brewmaster Monk/Vengeance Demon Hunter + Anything = The other Tank is the Boss Tank and is theBrewmaster Monk/Vengeance Demon Hunter Platform Clearer.

Protection Paladin + Guardian Druid = Protection Paladin is the Boss Tank and Guardian Druidis the Platform Clearer.

To understand more on Tank Combinations and their specific roles/responsibilities for this strategy that are not referenced on this page, come and ask in the TankNotes Discord!

Phase 1

Quick things to note about this phase:

 - Sylvanas will jump away from players, so you can bait her movement by creating open gaps where you want her to move

 - The Domination Chains have fixed areas each cast

 - The Domination Chains will spawn in two clumps each time (rather than anywhere from other difficulties)

Full RaidPlan Link for all Diagrams used for this Phase

There are two strategies that can be used for this phase, one is faster than the other, but for progression I would say to use the one detailed below which may mean you hold DPS as a raid but it will provide higher amounts of consistency in the long run.

Each set of Chains will require some form of DPS cooldown used on them to burst them down quickly. The DPS check on the boss in Phase 1 with this strategy is relatively light assuming that everyone survives, so pay additional attention to killing Chains.

For a rough guideline of how DPS cooldowns should be assigned see the Pre-Fight Assignments section.

Chain 1

On the pull she will go into a Windrunner combo and then cast Ranger's Heartseeker on the tank, this tank should keep the boss at this point and move her towards the Triangle side of the room to help bait her jumping. She will then cast the first set of Chains and then cast Black Arrow on the tank. After Black Arrow has been cast a tank swap should happen.

The tank with Black Arrow should move towards the Triangle Side of the room and the rest of the raid should deal with the two sets of chains.

After these chains have been killed Ranged players should gather on the Square marker to bait the Veil here.

During this time the tank that is on the boss will have up to 2 sets of Ranger's Heartseeker.

If this tank is a Paladin or Death Knight they should immune the second set of these as it will allow the debuffs from the first set to drop off before the next set. If she does not do 2 sets, she will instead do 2 sets after the Veil, the same principle applies here but you will want to immune the first one of these.

If this tank is not a Paladin or Death Knight they should use a strong cooldown on the 2nd set of Ranger's Heartseeker if it happens before the Veil. If it happens after the Veil do two quick swaps so that the tank that has just come back in from dealing with Black Arrow gets the first and the other tank gets the second.

She will now go into another Windrunner combo and Chain 2 will begin.

Chain 2

Immediately after ending Windrunner she will cast Ranger's Heartseeker on the tank and then leap away to bring the Chains in.

Ranged who are not assigned to a Chain should move to Square to bait the next Veil.

She will then proceed to cast two sets of Black Arrow, however these have a very low chance to go on the tanks. These players should run towards the Skull area to allow the adds to funnel nicely towards the raid.

Note: These adds can immediately fixate the player that spawned them so be ready to run away instantly.

As Sylvanas has been casting for some time she has accumilated a lot of stacks of Ranger's Heartseeker and will do two combos in a row. Either do a quick swap or let one tank take it all.

If this tank is a Death Knight they can immune one of these to remove a lot of damage.

She will now go into a Windrunner combo. Towards the end of this Ranged players should move towards Diamond to bait the next Veil.

After the Windrunner combo has ended she will cast Ranger's Heartseeker and then Veil.

Chain 3

If your boss damage is low you can bait her jumping so she will land near arrows so you gain additional DPS from cleaving.

After she has finished jumping she will cast two sets of Ranger's Heartseeker and start to put Black Arrow on three players. You will want these players to move towards Triangle so that the adds funnel towards Star.

After a short reprieve she will cast another set of Ranger's Heartseeker and then go into her final Windrunner combo. During this time you need to ensure you do not push her below 84% but get her close (~84.3%) and deal with all of the adds spawned. 

As soon as the Windrunner combo ends you will want to stack near Star and if she is above 84.2% you can chip away at her health a little bit until she does her final Veil.

During this Vail you will want to move towards Moon and bring her down to 84% before the Veil ends. This is your push window into the intermission which will give you the most time for Cooldown management.

If you push after the Veil ends she will create a fourth set of Chains which is basically a wipe.


Welcome to what can only be described as a waste of time, but it's in the fight so we have to do it.

Raidplan Link to this Map

The raid will be grouped on Moon and you will want to use Healer/Defensive cooldowns here to live through all of the damage the arrows will do as they spawn from Woe (this is applied every time a player is chained to an arrow and stacks from Phase 1).

You can bait which arrow you are linked to by standing closer to it as it will chain the closest players towards it.

For the stray arrow in the middle it is a good idea to have a tank bait this on themselves if it spawns close to the raid as this one can die late and the tank will be fine.

The main challenge of this phase (and your primary culprit with frustation) will be that Rive now has multiple lines, which in turn creates a lot more debris to avoid.

Live through this and you're into Phase 2. 

It's not a big deal if someone dies here as you will get your second combat res charge as you enter Phase 2, but it's optimal if they dont!

Phase 2

At the start of Phase 2 you will be together as a raid, but will need to split into two groups as assigned before the encounter (See Pre-Fight assignments for info on how to do this).

For both teams you should leave the Goliath last. It is possible reset the stacks of Fury it gains by making it attack another target by taunting. If the tank needs a little breather from damage taken you can use an immunity and taunt such as a Paladin with Divine Shield or a Warrior with Die by the Sword or have a Moonkin taunt from a distance. As a benchmark I would advise that if your tanks need support to do this once the Summoner/Souljudge has been killed to reset the Goliath stacks.

Bug: A Havoc Demon Hunter taunt does not reset the stacks.

You will want the Goliaths to die at roughly the same time as when one side has finished Sylvanas will move in position for the Boss Burn. This can be managed by following the timer within this WeakAura from <Echo>..

Left Team:

This team will be dealing with a Souljudge and a Goliath.

The Souljudge will now have Aura of Contempt (new for Mythic) which reduces your damage dealt based on your missing HP.

The Goliath will now have Aura of Violence (new for Mythic) which will deal an additional 10% damage as Shadow damage.

Your aim here is to kill the Souljudge first before it gets too many stacks on the tank and then killing the Goliath in time with the other team.

Right Team:

This team will be dealing with a Summoner and a Goliath.

The summoner will now be creating 4 orbs. 3 Decript Orbs (from Heroic) and 1 Terror Orb (new for Mythic). 

The Terror Orb will repeatedly cast and if any cast is successful all players will be feared. Interrupt and kill this ASAP.

You can target this with a macro for ease. /cast [target=Terror Orb] INTERRUPT SPELL

The Goliath will now have Aura of Violence (new for Mythic) whichwill deal an additional 10% damage as Shadow damage.

Your aim here is to kill the Summoner before it gets a second set of Orbs out and then killing the Goliath in time with the other team. (This team can finish ~3s earlier than the other team as Thrall takes longer to cast his bridge than Jaina for some reason).

Boss Burn 1:

The boss burns have a fairly static flow to them:
• Gather on Platform
• DPS Potion (Only for First Boss Burn, this allows the Potion to come back for Bloodlust in Phase 3)
• Burn Boss
• Tank Combo
Veil (Gateway or Walk out if you're stacked well)
• Tank Combo*
• Scream + Boss is Immune

*This Tank Combo can get delayed until after the Wave meaning you are out of melee range for it. Paladins/Death Knights should immune this one.

With the 2nd Wave the raid should move up the Chain towards the next sets of adds as you will not get more damage on the boss, this also allows you to be spread for Scream.

You will now be approaching the Second Add Wave.

Left Team:

This team will be dealing with a Colussus on its own.

This is an entirely new Mawsworn add for Mythic and has two key mechanics.

Filth - This is a frontal ability cast on the tank. Simply point it away from the group.

Expulsion - This is applied to non-tank players and deals a large burst of damage which is split with all players within 8 yards. Be grouped to split this damage and use tools such as Anti-Magic Zone or Power Word: Barrier to mitigate damage taken.

A Veil will happen whilst you are soaking these so you need to move as a group with a set movement path that has been agreed beforehand.

Tip: This damage can be split with Thrall as well.

The damage taken on this side is very predictable so you can get away with sending only one healer.

Right Team:

This team will be dealing with a Summoner and a Souljudge.

This plays fairly similarly to the first add burn where you will want to kill the Summoner first to not get a second set of orbs and then control the time the Souljudge dies so it dies at a similar time to the Colussus.

Boss Burn 2:

This plays out exactly the same as the first boss burn with the exception that you will not be using a DPS Potion.

After the boss burn has been completed you will want to start to generate resources for Phase 3 from the adds coming in and CCing ones that spawn far away.

Phase 3

There will be a lot of assignments for this Phase beforehand such as Scream + Veil soaking positions, who is soaking Merciless pools and who is soaking pools from each Platform.

There are a few modifications of this phase to note:

Shadow Daggers are now Death Knives. These will spawn from players and go in four lines from them. If any player is hit by these, players within 3 yards of that person will take a large burst of Shadow damage.

The time spent on each Platform is different from Heroic. Platform 1 is very short (~30 seconds) and the others are much longer (~1 minute 45 seconds).

Sylvanas can now launch Banshee's Blades instead of Ranger's Heartseeker which consumes 4 stacks and flips the damage ratio from mostly physical to mostly magical.

Platform 1

This Platform is very straight forward and short.

When you land the raid needs to spread out for Veil and be careful of Pools spawning on the ground. The active boss tank should aim to collect these before Veil starts.

During this time, the non-active boss tank will be clearing pools on Platform 3 + 4 and a designated player (usually a melee DPS such as Havoc Demon Hunter or Windwalker Monk or a Healer) will be clearing Platform 2.

After Veil has finished the raid should stack in the middle on the boss and wait for Fury.

The Boss Tank, Non-Boss Tank (Platform Clearer) and the Player who cleared Platform 2 will need to be dispelled in seperate corners before Fury.

After Fury she will cast Raze and Platform 2 begins.

Platform 2 - Part 1

This begins with a set of Wailing Arrows on three players, one tank and two DPS players. 

It is important to note that the third player selected will need to double jump to Platform 4 as there is a Merciless explosion that happens on Platform 3 at the same time as their arrow.

This is where the tank will soak pools on Platform 3.

After the Arrows have finished you will get your first set of Death Knives the way to handle this is simple. The raid leader should make a clear call for those players to MOVE and then after 1-2 seconds to STOP. Then everyone else in the raid moves into safe spots created.

This is then followed up by a Scream into a Veil. Ranged players should maintain a spread position here and melee players should be able to get back into their spread locations after hitting the boss.

Bug for Necrolords: If you are casting Fleshcraft you will be immune to Veil.

You will then have your first Merciless soaks. Be ready to adapt if they are not in their default locations!

After the soak all players should group in the middle on the boss ready for Fury.

Platform 2 - Part 2

After the Fury new pools will spawn which should be soaked by a tank. This tank should also soak some of the pools that were just dispelled off to create room for Veil later in this part of the Platform.

You will then have a second set of Death Knives followed by Wailing Arrows.

This is where the tank will soak pools on Platform 3.

The third player who gets this will be coming back at the same time as Veil, if they are assigned near the opposite side of where they will land it is preferable for them to pop a personal and stay on Platform 3.

At the same time as these Arrows will be your second Merciless soaks. Be ready to adapt if an assigned soaker has an Arrow!

After this will be another Veil which is then followed by Raze indicating the end of Platform 2.

The entire raid should wait until the last second before jumping for two reasons:

1) To Mass Dispel any stacks from tanks + players and leave them behind
2) To Allow the Merciless pool that is on Platform 3 to explode before you arrive.

Platform 3 - Part 1

This Platform will have the most amount of raid damage taken of any Platform so do not be afraid to use Personals, Healthstones & Health Potions here.

The first thing to happen on this Platform is a Fury cast so the raid should stack up as soon as they land. (Warlocks should place their personal ports down during this time)

After this the boss will do two tank combos in a row. This is where most tanks will use their biggest cooldown to survive the burst damage.

Blood Death Knights can negate most of this with a well timed cooldown stack of Icebound Fortitude, Rune TapAnti-Magic Shell. Protection Paladins can negate all of this with a well timed Divine Shield and Taunt.

This is where the tank will soak pools on Platform 4.

This is followed up by a set of Death Knives. After these Knives have gone out the raid should spread into their Scream spots.

After the Scream you will have BOTH Merciless soaks and Veil. It is important that the players soaking Merciless do not get knocked around as you can create more Veil stacks than you want.

During the Veil Wailing Arrows will begin and it is likely that one of your Arrow targets will have Veil stacks on them. If possible throw an external on them.

You will now get a very short break from raid damage and more Pools will spawn. These will be picked up by a tank and then the raid should stack up on the boss ready for Fury.

Platform 3 - Part 2

The second half of Platform 3 is just as manic as the first part. After the Fury ends you will have BOTH Death Knives and your final Merciless soaks. It is important that these players are ones with mobile immunities so they do not pick up pools as they get to their soaks.

This is where the tank will soak pools on Platform 4.

After these soaks you will have a short break until Veil. Tanks should try and grab a load of the Pools on the ground here to give the raid space for Veil. Players should not be afraid to get 1 or 2 stacks of the Pools if they are in their way here.

After the Veil you will have Raze indicating the end of Platform 3.

The entire raid should wait until the last second before jumping for one main reason:

1) To Mass Dispel any stacks from tanks + players and leave them behind

Platform 4 

Luckily all the hard parts of the fight are over! If you got here somewhat cleanly then a kill is in sight.

This platform begins with Wailing Arrows. You will want the raid to move onto the Covenant Sigil as you land and a Warlock places a gateway to the opposite corner.

You want as much space as possible from the raid and the Wailing Arrows

It is important that players do not move back early with their Wailing Arrows. Use the visual of the arrow coming towards you as your indicator to move rather than timers as they can be delayed.

After the third Arrow has landed Sylvanas will do one tank combo and then leap to the middle for Fury.

During this Fury Death Knives will happen. As long as the majority of the raid is inside cooldowns, three people taking extra damage isn't a big deal. These players should use a Personal to survive.

After the Fury has finished the raid will need to spread out for Scream, new Pools and then Veil.

After the Veil is your burn window. Use Bloodlust, Potions and all DPS cooldowns here.

The remaining mechanics of the Phase are nicely spread out so the pressure is off from a mechanical perspective. Execute them well and if everything else went well a kill should be assured.

The next mechanic is 20 seconds after your Bloodlust and its Wailing Arrows.

During the second Arrow you will get your final set of Death Knives.

After the Death Knives is the final Fury.

You have 10 seconds until the final Raze. KILL THE BOSS!

If the boss is close to dying, pop any remaining immunities to survive the Raze and let dots finish her off.

Phase 3 as the Soaking Tank

The way this Phase plays out for this player is slightly different as their focus is taking all of the Arrows and soaking pools on future platforms. 

When you land you will run to Platform 3 straight away, collect as many pools as possible before the Merciless pool explodes and go to Platform 4. Collect every pool on Platform 4 and use Aegis.

Jump to Platform 1 and get dispelled in the closest corner.

Taunt boss during Raze and get the Wailing Arrow on you.

If you left any pools on Platform 3 collect them now and get dispelled after Veil.

After the Fury you can taunt the boss to take some pressure off your co-tank and use some defensives you have spare until you get the Wailing Arrow on you then go to Platform 3 and collect everything there.

Note: If you are targeted by a Blade you will not get the arrow, instead collect Platform 3 after your blades.

Pop Aegis here and focus on living! Call for an external if things look bad.

When you land on Platform 3 wait until the Fury has happened and go to Platform 4 and collect pools.

Come back to Platform 3 and taunt the boss during the Scream. You may get a combo here so be ready.

You will get the arrow just before Veil, jump over and hope you don't get Veil. If you do get it, use a Healthstone/Health Pot.

Come back to Platform 3 and wait for new pools to go down. Collect those and get dispelled in a Corner.

After Fury go back to Platform 4 again and collect pools, come back and collect more pools to give the raid room for Veiland use Aegis + a cooldown.

Taunt the boss during Raze to get the Wailing Arrow on you for Platform 4.

Once the boss has done a tank combo on your co-tank taunt the boss so they can get dispelled.

After Fury they should get boss again and you collect their pools to give the raid room for Scream.

New pools will come down just before Veil, try and collect some of these.

Collect whatever remains and get dispelled in a corner.

Taunt the boss for the final arrow.

Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk

Celestial Brew is important to have active to mitigate the damage from Ranger's Heartseeker combos.

Touch of Death is useful to kill a Domination Chain quickly.

Use Zen Meditation when you are not taking but have multiple stacks of Banshee's Bane in Phase 3.

Vengeance Demon Hunter

If you are playing with the Fiery Soul legendary you will have Fiery Brand available for every Ranger's Heartseeeker combo. If not you will want to rotate between Fiery Brand and Fel Devastation/Metamorphosis/Trinket.

Phase 1 + Intermission: If you are a Kyrian Demon Hunter save Elysian Decree for Domination Chains as the cooldowns roughly line up.

Phase 2: If you are a Kyrian Demon Hunter and are playing with the Quickened Sigils talent Elysian Decree will line up for the start of every Add platform and Boss Burn.

Phase 1: Use Infernal Strike to move out with Black Arrows.

You can double jump over Haunting Waves.

[Advanced - Phase 2] If your group is slow to kill the Mawsworn adds, you can cross to the next platform without a bridge by double jumping, casting Glide and then Infernal Strike.

Make good use of the movement speed bonus from Immolation Aura with the Agonizing Flames talent to collect pools in Phase 3.

[Heroic/Mythic] Try to have two charges of Infernal Strike ready for when you need to be dispelled in Phase 3. One to leap out and one to leap back in.

Protection Paladin

Make sure you have a Word of Glory ready for Ranger's Heartseeker combos and use it part way through to survive with ease.

Phase 1: Having a Word of Glory ready for Black Arrow is useful to keep yourself healthy as you will not be in range of healers. Remember to place down Consecration before it hits for additional damage reduction!

If you are out of range of Sylvanas whilst having threat of her, maintain Shield of the Righteous as she will be casting Ranger Shot on you.

Blessing of Spellwarding can prevent stacks of Banshee's Mark/Banshee's Bane from being applied. 

Divine Shield can also prevent stacks of Banshee's Mark/Banshee's Bane from being applied however it will also dispel any stacks on you as well, so use this when you are on 0 stacks only. Additionally, Divine Shield will make Sylvanas target someone else so you will need to taunt immediately after using it.

Note: If you have Blessing of Spellwarding/Divine Shield active in Phase 3, when you run over any Banshee's Bane puddles you will not pick them up.

Protection Warrior

Shield Block will block the Physical Portion of Ranger's Heartseeker combos. Spell Reflection will deflect 1 tick of the Magical Portion, Ignore Pain will absorb damage from both.

Phase 1: Utilise Heroic Leap to move out with Black Arrow.

Ranger Shot and Ranger Strike are blockable.

Guardian Druid

You will have Barkskin available for every Ranger's Heartseeker combo.

Stampeding Roar is useful for helping players move out of Veil of Darkness and over Bridges in Phase 2.

[Mythic - Phase 2] Stampeding Roar will be avaialble for every other Bridge, so it can be used to help people move to both Boss Burns or to both Add Waves.

Earthwarden DOES NOT work on her atatcks.

Blood Death Knight

Rune Tap and Anti-Magic Shell used together will prevent stacks of Banshee's Mark/Banshee's Bane

If you are a Necrolord Death Knight Fleshcraft and Anti-Magic Shell stack together allowing Anti-Magic Shell to stay intact for much longer allowing you soak double combos with ease.

[Mythic] It is advisable to use the Anti-Magic Barrier talent to allow you to negate more stacks in Phase 3.

Phase 1: Rune Tap for Black Arrows to reduce damage taken as you will not be in range of anything to hit.

Death's Advance will avoid the pulling effect from being attached to Domination Chains.

Death's Advance will negate the push back from Haunting Waves (but you will still get debuff stacks unless you have Anti-Magic Shell active as well).

Note: If you have Anti-Magic Shell active in Phase 3, when you run over any Banshee's Bane puddles you will not pick them up.