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Painsmith Raznal

Updated on 21.2.2023, 14:47

Painsmith Raznal is a sadistic mastermind who spent eons perfecting the deadly traps found in Torghast. He relishes the screams of his victims as a testament to his skill, listening with malignant delight as they echo through the tower's desolate halls.

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The currently rendered guide matches the live version.

TL:DR Notes

When the boss throws his weapon at the tank it will create a different pattern of spikes for the raid to dodge. Getting hit by any Spikes will deal a large burst of Physical damage and stun you.

Cruciform Axe - Phase 1 Weapon - Cross Pattern

Reverberating Hammer - Phase 2 Weapon (70%) - Ripple Pattern

Dualblade Scythe - Phase 3 Weapon (40%) - Cross & Ripple Pattern

Watch for players with Shadowsteel Chains. If you make contact with their chain you will be knocked back.

Focus down one of Spiked Balls when they spawn to create a gap to run through.

[Heroic] Watch out for the Flameclasp Trap. There should be an assigned player triggering these traps. If multiple detonate within 1.5 seconds of each other it will deal increased damage. Spikes, Balls and Players trigger traps.

During the Intermission don't get hit by the fire circles and go through the gaps in the wall of spikes.

Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk

Chi Torpedo allows you to get to the opposite corner of the room very reliably whilst avoiding Chained players in the middle with both charges. Alternatively Tiger's Lust can be used with Rolls.

You can reliably have Celestial Brew active for each weapon throw.

Vengeance Demon Hunter

You can reliably get to the opposite corner of the room whilst avoiding Chained players in the middle with both charges of Infernal Strike.

If you are using the Fiery Soul legendary you will be able to use Fiery Brand on the boss before every weapon throw to reduce your damage taken significantly.

You can double jump and Glide around the Spiked Balls and the intermission Spikes.

Protection Paladin

Blessing of Protection and Divine Shield both allow you to negate damage taken from the weapon throws, Spiked Balls and Spikes.

Protection Warrior

Whilst moving out for weapon throws aim to have some Rage so you can apply Ignore Pain to reduce your damage taken.

Weapon throws are NOT blockable so do not waste resources on trying.

Guardian Druid

Stampeding Roar is useful for helping the raid move during the Intermissions.

Keep enough resources to use Frenzied Regeneration for after weapon throws.

Blood Death Knight

Use Rune Tap for each weapon throw.

Anti-Magic Zone is best used for when Flameclasp Traps are exploding.

The cooldown of Wraith Walk is longer than the time between your weapon throws so you will need to pre-move slightly for when it is not available.

You can negate the stun from Spiked Balls and Spikes with Icebound Fortitude.

Fight Summary

This is a three-phase encounter where the only thing that changes between phases is the boss's weapon. Each weapon has a different interaction to the room when he throws it on the tank. At 70% and 40%, the boss will retreat for a one-minute intermission where he will be forging a new weapon.

Phase 1 (100%)

Cruciform Axe - The weapon for this phase is the Cruciform Axe. This will trigger a Cross pattern of Spikes from the location of the tank targeted by the weapon. The tank should run as far away from the raid as they can, ideally in a corner. When the weapon has hit the tank, a stack of Blackened Armor will be applied, and you should swap after each hit.

Phase 1 Spike Pattern:

Spikes - Anyone hit by a Spike will take a large amount of Physical damage and be stunned for 2 seconds with the Spiked debuff.

Shadowsteel Chains - Multiple players (with a preference for ranged/healers) will have the chain applied around them for 21 seconds. Any players who are then hit by this chain are knocked back and hit by a large burst of Physical damage.

During testing, we noted that with a full 30 man group, we had 5 Chains, but on Mythic, we had 3 Chains.

Spiked Balls - A wall of Spiked Balls will appear throughout the phase every ~30 seconds. Running into any Spiked Balls will deal a large burst of Physical damage and stun you for 8 seconds. 

The raid will need to focus one Spiked Balls down to create a gap in the wall to allow the raid to run through, and then the players with Shadowsteel Chains follow one by one (to not knock each other around).

When an intermission begins Spikes Balls will despawn.

[Heroic] Flameclasp Trap - Throughout the phase Painsmith Reznal will spawn traps on player locations. These traps will detonate when either a player, a spike, or a Spiked Ball impacts them. When they explode they will deal a moderate amount of Fire damage to the raid and apply the Flameclasp Eruption debuff increasing damage taken from further explosions by 200% for 1.5 seconds.


At 70% and 40%, Painsmith Reznal will leap to his anvil and start to craft a new weapon. This will take one minute, and during this time, you will need to deal with waves of Spikes and waves of adds.

Shadowsteel Embers - A red swirl animation will appear on the floor. Anyone caught within this will take a very large amount of Fire damage.

Black Flames - Throughout the intermission, the raid will be hit by Black Flames. This is unavoidable damage. Each hit will apply a stack of the Lingering Flames DoT.

Phase 2 (70%)

Reverberating Hammer - The weapon for this phase is the Reverberating Hammer. This will trigger a Ripple pattern from the location of the tank targeted by the weapon. The tank should run as far away from the raid as they can, ideally in a corner. When the weapon has hit the tank, a stack of Blackened Armor will be applied, and you should swap after each hit.

Phase 2 Spike Pattern:

Phase 3 (40%)

Dualblade Scythe - The weapon for this phase is the Dualblade Scythe. This will trigger both the Cross Pattern from Phase 1 and the Ripple Pattern from Phase 2. Once again, the tank will need to run to the corner of the room to give the raid the most amount of space and time possible to deal with the effects. When the weapon has hit the tank, a stack of Blackened Armor will be applied, and you should swap after each hit.

Phase 3 Spike Pattern:

Tank Damage Profile

75% Physical
25% Fire
70% Auto Attack 

Swing Timer: 1.5s (Curse of Weakness 1.8s)

Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk

Chi Torpedo allows you to get to the opposite corner of the room very reliably whilst avoiding Chained players in the middle with both charges. Alternatively Tiger's Lust can be used with Rolls.

You can reliably have Celestial Brew active for each weapon throw.

Vengeance Demon Hunter

You can reliably get to the opposite corner of the room whilst avoiding Chained players in the middle with both charges of Infernal Strike.

If you are using the Fiery Soul legendary you will be able to use Fiery Brand on the boss before every weapon throw to reduce your damage taken significantly.

You can double jump and Glide around the Spiked Balls and the intermission Spikes.

Protection Paladin

Blessing of Protection and Divine Shield both allow you to negate damage taken from the weapon throws, Spiked Balls and Spikes.

Protection Warrior

Whilst moving out for weapon throws aim to have some Rage so you can apply Ignore Pain to reduce your damage taken.

Weapon throws are NOT blockable so do not waste resources on trying.

Guardian Druid

Stampeding Roar is useful for helping the raid move during the Intermissions.

Keep enough resources to use Frenzied Regeneration for after weapon throws.

Blood Death Knight

Use Rune Tap for each weapon throw.

Anti-Magic Zone is best used for when Flameclasp Traps are exploding.

The cooldown of Wraith Walk is longer than the time between your weapon throws so you will need to pre-move slightly for when it is not available.

You can negate the stun from Spiked Balls and Spikes with Icebound Fortitude.

What's New for Mythic?

Players with Shadowsteel Chains now erupt rows of spikes in all four cardinal directions from them because of a new buff that Painsmiths weapons have called Echoes of Pain.

Spikes during Phase 2 and 3 are now more difficult to handle as a raid as Spiked Balls will be up at the same time.

The final set of Shadowsteel Embers in the Intermission will spawn adds which are rooted and cast Final Scream (a wipe if the cast completes).

The second Intermission now has Spiked Balls.

Pre-Fight Assignments

You will want to have an assigned player to pop Flameclasp Traps (preferably the tanks).

Know where you will be playing the fight in each phase (detailed below in Phase 1/2/3 sections)

Healing cooldowns for Trap detonations.

Mid-Fight Assignments

If a Trap is placed out of position, another player may need to detonate it or you may opt to let the spikes blow it up for you.

If an Intermission add is not on the clump you will need people to commit DPS cooldowns into it whilst the rest of the raid kills the stacked ones.

In Phase 3 remind people over and over that Chain people go to the edge and not the middle!

Tanking Painsmith Mythic

Odd and Even weapon throws have different mechanics happening at the same time.

Odd Weapon Throws (1/3/5) will have Spiked Balls and Chained players at the same time, making it slightly more complex than Even Weapon Throws (2/4/6) which has Flameclasp Traps at the same time.

Odd Weapon Throws in Phase 1 you simply handle by being 2/3 tiles away in the opposite corner. Spiked Balls will spawn after your Weapon lands in this Phase.
Odd Weapon Throws in Phase 2 you will move to the opposite corner and be 3 tiles away from the edge that is adjactent to you. (for the 3rd & 5th Throw you will need to be 4 tiles away from the Spiked Balls if they spawn on the same side as you). Spiked Balls will spawn during the Weapon throw in this Phase.
Odd Weapon Throws in Phase 3 will require a Blessing of Protection / Potion of Unhindered Passing + Cooldown / High Mobility and get Stunned in the Corner and pray to not die with Externals. Spiked Balls spawn before the Weapon is thrown in this Phase.

Even Weapon Throws in every Phase will simply just run to the opposite corner at least 3 tiles away from the corner and then run back to the raid.

Trap Detonation as a Tank

In Phase 1 this should be handled by the Even Weapon Throw Tank.
In Phase 2 & 3 this should be handled by the Odd Weapon Throw Tank.

Phase 1

Raidplan Link to All Phase Maps

On the pull drag the boss towards the Square corner of the room. The reason for this is so that Chain players have the same distance from the raid in both Phase 1 and 2 to allow damage taken to be more consistent.

Boss mods will assign the Diamond, Circle, and Star raid markers to players with Shadowsteel Chains. Players affected should go to those respective markers.

If players are on their assigned markers then the Square/Cross/Moon/Triangle will indicate safe areas for you to be in.

When Spiked Balls spawn you will want to kill the one that is closest to the edge that you are on, run through, let the people with Chains run through and then reset back to the corner you started in.

Wait for the Odd Tank Throw to happen and then run towards the balls to kill them.

WeakAura For Highlighting Ball Nameplate

The fight will have a fairly strict flow of mechanics:
• Chains
• Odd Tank Throw
• Spiked Balls
• Even Tank Throw
• Traps
• Repeat

If the boss is below 73% he will no longer cast traps.

You should only get 1 set of traps in this Phase.

This Phase ends at 70%.

If you push the boss to 70% whilst he is throwing a weapon he will complete the weapon throw and then move to his position for the intermission giving you extra time to damage him below 70%.


For this intermission strategy you will need at least one Warlock and one Shaman. Additional Shaman and Druids help.

Before you pull the boss a Gateway should be placed 3 tiles in on the Centre row and reach either the 2nd tile from the edge or the edge tile (as shown in the maps of all Phases)

There will be 9 rows of Spikes with one gap in each, they have relatively fixed locations:

1) Centre
2) Centre
3) Left or Right edge (Use Windrush Totems near Centre so you can run through it multiple times)
4) The Opposide side (Demon Hunters, Mages, Monks, Venthyrs can teleport over this an be in position for the next step)
5) The Opposide side again!
6) Centre Area
7) Middle
8) Side (after this you should start to move towards the Gateway)
9) Middle (click the gateway as soon as the Fire touches the ground)

After you Gateway, WAIT FOR ANOTHER PULSE OF FIRE and then move out of it. These Shadowsteel Embers will spawn adds which are rooted and cast Final Scream (a wipe if the cast completes).

Additional Stampeding Roars/Windrush Totems can be used for any long period of movement such as 4/5/7.

Phase 2

You will begin this Phase at the end of the Gateway and AoE the adds that spawned. After this you will move into the Triangle corner of the room and play it the same way as Phase 1 but on the opposite side of the room.

The flow of this Phase is similar to Phase 1, however the Spiked Balls will now spawn at the same time as the Odd Tank Throws.

You should only get 2 sets of traps in this Phase.

If the boss is below 43% he will no longer cast traps.

This Phase ends at 40%. Be ready to move towards the Cross / Square side of the room to not be hit by intermission spikes.

If you push the boss to 40% whilst he is throwing a weapon he will complete the weapon throw and then move to his position for the intermission giving you extra time to damage him below 40%.

Intermission 2

This intermission will play the same as the first with one key addition.

Spiked Balls are active and will sweep either left to right or right to left. They will not modify how you play the intermission, however they are something that can cut you off if you are reacting to them rather than seeing them ahead of time.

If you are caught behind the pack and look to be stuck, line up with the gap in front of you but be 3 tiles away from the edge. This will be a safe space from the Spiked Balls.

Phase 3

You will begin this Phase at the end of the Gateway and AoE the adds that spawned. After this you will start into the Triangle corner of the room, however you will be moving around the room based on where Spiked Balls spawn.

As with the other phases the core flow of the fight is similar in terms of the order the mechanics happen in. However the Spiked Balls now spawn before the Odd Tank Throws so how you handle it as a raid will be different.

As the Balls spawn before the Odd Tank Throw this means that you can no longer afford to wait as you will run out of room, therefore as soon as the Spiked Balls spawn the raid should run towards them and start hitting them ASAP.

The players with Chains should move AWAY from the Spiked Balls and the tank should run into the corner on the opposite side of the Spiked Balls from the raid as shown in the map above.

Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk

Chi Torpedo allows you to get to the opposite corner of the room very reliably whilst avoiding Chained players in the middle with both charges. Alternatively Tiger's Lust can be used with Rolls.

You can reliably have Celestial Brew active for each weapon throw.

Vengeance Demon Hunter

You can reliably get to the opposite corner of the room whilst avoiding Chained players in the middle with both charges of Infernal Strike.

If you are using the Fiery Soul legendary you will be able to use Fiery Brand on the boss before every weapon throw to reduce your damage taken significantly.

You can double jump and Glide around the Spiked Balls and the intermission Spikes.

Protection Paladin

Blessing of Protection and Divine Shield both allow you to negate damage taken from the weapon throws, Spiked Balls and Spikes.

Protection Warrior

Whilst moving out for weapon throws aim to have some Rage so you can apply Ignore Pain to reduce your damage taken.

Weapon throws are NOT blockable so do not waste resources on trying.

Guardian Druid

Stampeding Roar is useful for helping the raid move during the Intermissions.

Keep enough resources to use Frenzied Regeneration for after weapon throws.

Blood Death Knight

Use Rune Tap for each weapon throw.

Anti-Magic Zone is best used for when Flameclasp Traps are exploding.

The cooldown of Wraith Walk is longer than the time between your weapon throws so you will need to pre-move slightly for when it is not available.

You can negate the stun from Spiked Balls and Spikes with Icebound Fortitude.