Shad'har the Insatiable's avatar

Shad'har the Insatiable

Updated on 21.2.2023, 14:47

One of N'Zoth's most nightmarish creations, Shad'har the Insatiable feats on the corrupted carcasses that the Old God's minions discard into its domain. Tormented by ceaseless hunger, Shad'har's body twists and mutates with every corpse it devours.


The currently rendered guide matches the live version.

Fight Summary

This is a 3 phase encounter, at the start of each phase the boss will eat a material which will dictate the mechanics in the phase. This happens in a set order Shadowy > Void-tinged > Noxious. 

Please note: During PTR tests it was Shadowy > Noxious > Void-tinged, however the Dungeon Journal reflects the other stated above.

Boss Abilities in Every Phase

CrushDissolve - This is the tank swap of the encounter and it can be cast in any order. Three casts in total will happen and it will never be 3 in a row of the same. There are 6 possible combinations in total.

Crush Crush Dissolve
Crush Dissolve Crush
Crush Dissolve Dissolve
Dissolve Crush Crush
Dissolve Crush Dissolve
Dissolve Dissolve Crush

The simplest way to handle this mechanic is that the tank who is currently tanking the boss takes the first hit whatever it may be.

If it's the same hit again they keep it and then the next tank takes it.

If it's the alternate ability, you swap.

If the final hit is the same as before (example: Crush, Dissolve, Dissolve) the 2nd stack will go on that tank and you swap again after this.

The goal is to have the tank with 2 stacks of any debuff NOT tanking the boss.

Living Miasma - Throughout the encounter Living Miasma adds will spawn and fixate on a player. Once they reach that player they will cast Slurry Outburst dealing damage to all players within 15 yards and despawn.

[Heroic] Slurry Outburst will now deal damage to the whole raid based on their distance from it.

Debilitating Spit - Throughout the encounter roughly every 40 seconds, one non-tank player in the raid will receive this debuff with 4 stacks dealing high Nature damage for 5 seconds.
When this debuff expires it will split into 2 debuffs with 2 stacks each dealing moderate Nature damage.
Finally it will split into 4 debuffs with 1 stack dealing light Nature damage.

Mantles + Breaths - For each phase the boss will have a Mantle buff which will trigger the mechanics of the phase, and have a conal breath ability. 

[Heroic] The frequency of the Breaths increase the further in the Phase you are.

Phase 1 (Shadowy Carapace - 100% to 66%)

Keep the boss central in this phase, as shown on the below map.

Umbral Mantle - Every 20 seconds this Mantle will explode placing a 5 second debuff on all players dealing moderate Shadow damage every 2.5 seconds.

Umbral Eruption - The boss will fire Umbral Eruptions at all players in the raid and they will need to spread out to avoid the damage and ensure there are safe locations to move to. As the phase goes on the frequency of this ability will increase to the point where it is near constant.

Umbral Breath - When the boss reaches full energy he will face in the direction of a random player and start to cast Umbral Breath. If you are hit by the Umbral Breath you will take a large amount of Shadow damage and be feared for 10 seconds.

When the boss reaches 66% he will run towards the Void-Tinged Carcass and enter Phase 2.

Phase 2 (Void-Tinged Carapace - 66% to 33%)

The boss will lose access to all Umbral abilities and gain access to new Entropic abilities. 

The boss positioning will remain the same as Phase 1.

Entropic Mantle - This will apply a 25 second long debuff which deals a small amount of Shadow damage. However a new stack is applied every 20 seconds making it deadlier over time.

Entropic Buildup - Orbs will spawn in a random locations throughout the phase, the orb will reduce in size when soaked and explode once fully soaked (or has timed out). The amount of damage the Orb does to the raid is based on its size when it explodes.

Whilst a player is soaking they will get stacks of Entropic Buildup, soaking more than 3 stacks is lethal. 

Entropic Breath - When the boss reaches full energy he will face in the direction of a random player and start to cast Entropic Breath. If you are hit by the Entropic Breath you will take a large amount of Shadow damage and healing received is reduced by 50%.

When the boss reaches 33% he will run towards the Noxious Carcass and enter Phase 3.

Phase 3 (Noxious Carapace - 33% to 0%)

The boss will lose access to all Entropic abilities and gain access to Noxious abilities.

For this phase you will want to move the boss to the side, have the raid stacked behind the boss and move as a single group, as illustrated on the map below.

Noxious Mantle - This will deal moderate Nature damage every 3 seconds until the end of the Phase.

Bubbling Overflow - At the very start of the Phase one of these will be placed in the centre of the room, and will grow outwards adding a soft enrage to the Phase. If you are stood in these you will take a large amount of Nature damage every second. Each tick will deal double the damage of the previous tick.

Periodically, throughout the Phase players will be targeted and have Bubbling Overflow spawn on them. Ideally you want to spawn these together and move as a group around the perimeter of the room in order to maximise your time in the Phase.

Bubbling Breath - When the boss reaches full energy he will face in the direction of a random player and start to cast Bubbling Breath. If you are hit by the Bubbling Breath you will take a large amount of Nature damage over time for 10 seconds.

Frenzy - When the boss reaches 30% Health he will enter a Frenzy and deal 25% more damage.


Living Miasma - This will now root the player when they are fixated.

Spells that remove movement impairment can remove this root: Shapeshifting (Druid), Blessing of Freedom (Paladin), Divine Shield(Paladin), Tiger's Lust (Monk), Cloak of Shadows (Rogue), Ice Block (Mage), Dispersion (Shadow Priest), Vengeful Retreat (Havoc Demon Hunter), Master's Call (Hunter), Disengage (if talented for Posthaste - Hunter).

Spells that remove being slowed can remove this root: Wraith Walk (Death Knight), Ghost Wolf (Shaman).

Where a person targeted does not have their own utility, the group should provide this via an external, a 2-3 person Tiger's Lust/Blessing of Freedom rotation is sufficient to cover the whole raid in the worst case scenario.

Tasty Morsel - When the Living Miasma explodes, it will now leave behind a Tasty Morsel on the ground. You pick this up by running over it, and you will need to feed it to the boss by running into him. However, once you pick up a Tasty Morsel you will gain the Slimy Residue debuff which will deal a small amount of ticking Nature damage and prevent you from picking any Tasty Morsel's up for 3 minutes.

Hungry - Throughout the encounter Shad'har will gain stacks of Hungry every 4 seconds, at 10 stacks Shad'har will gain the Uncontrollably Ravenous buff which increases his damage dealt by 250% (you will wipe). You are able to reset the stacks of Hungry on Shad'har by running a Tasty Morsel into him.

Once the Uncontrollably Ravenous buff is applied it cannot be removed.

Tank Damage Profile

Crush Tank

75% Physical
15% Shadow
10% Nature
55% Auto Attack, 20% Crush 


Dissolve Tank

75% Nature
25% Shadow
60% Dissolve 

Tanking Notes

Conduct the tank swap during Crush and Dissolve

The goal with the tank swaps is to have the tank with 2 stacks of any debuff NOT tanking the boss.

During Phase 3 position the boss in a way that the group can still access the boss

Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk

Zen Meditation is very useful to mitigate a double stack of Dissolve

[Mythic] Tiger's Lust is useful to remove the root from the Living Miasma

Vengeance Demon Hunter

Fiery Brand is very useful to mitigate a double stack of Dissolve

Protection Paladin

You are able to block Crush

Blessing of Spellwarding will negate the damage from the initial hit of Dissolve but will not prevent the debuff from being applied with the DoT

[Mythic] Blessing of Freedom is useful to remove the root from the Living Miasma

Protection Warrior

You are able to block Crush

Rallying Cry is helpful to use at the end of any of the Phases due to the increasing amounts of raid damage and healer pressure

Guardian Druid

Stampeding Roar can be helpful to allow players to move out of a badly aimed breath

Blood Death Knight

Anti-Magic Shell will negate the damage from the initial hit of Dissolve but will not prevent the debuff from being applied with the DoT