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The Hivemind

Updated on 21.2.2023, 14:47

Locked in a contest of wills, the generals Ka'zir and Tek'ris constantly vie for dominance over their fellow aqir. As they wrest control away from one another, the hive shifts its tactics and obeys each of their commands with fervent loyalty.


The currently rendered guide matches the live version.

Fight Summary

This is a single phase encounter with two bosses, Tek'ris and Ka'zir. There is no tank swap on this encounter.

These bosses do not share health and need to die at similar times, as when one reaches 1 health it will start a 10 second cast called Dark Reconstitution which will heal it back to full.

The main thing to pay attention to as a tank on this encounter is which boss has control of the Hivemind, at the start of the encounter this will be Tekris's Hivemind Control which will require you to stack both bosses together, after ~1:10 it will change to Ka'zir's Hivemind Control which will require you to keep both bosses at least 20 yards apart. If the condition of the Hivemind Control is not met, the bosses and all adds will be buffed with Shadow Veil reducing damage taken by 99%.

The Hivemind Control will change ~70s thereafter (cast sequencing can alter the time)

[Heroic] Devouring Frenzy - When the Hivemind swaps control it will deal Nature damage to all players every 0.5 seconds for 12 seconds, increasing by 15% each cast.


Nullification Blast - This is the main tank mechanic that Tek'ris has. It will display a Shadow cone on the floor in front of the boss and will begin its cast. You can move out of the cone. If you are hit by this you will receive the Nullification debuff which will deal ticking damage and reduce healing received by 50%.

[Heroic] The Nullification debuff will reduce healing by 100% (up from 50%)

Echoing Void - When this is cast the raid will be required to spread out by 4 yards. This will mean that during this cast healers will be moving, and thus less healing will be done. After 4 seconds every non-tank player will take a large hit of Shadow damage and splash that damage onto anyone within 4 yards.


Spawn Acidic Aqir - This is an additional add, however this one cannot be killed. Eggs will spawn around the room and shortly after an Acidic Aqir will spawn and roll to the other side of the room. If you are hit by these you will get the Corrosion debuff which deals Nature damage every 2 seconds and increases all damage taken by 25% for its duration.

Mind Numbing-Nova - This ability requires an interrupt rotation to be on Ka'zir at all times, as if any cast goes through the raid will have their haste reduced by 50% and have a large Nature DoT on them for 8 seconds.

Aqir Adds

These adds spawn on a set timer and are the highest priority to deal with during this encounter. Falling behind on Add management will lead to a wipe.

During Tek'ris's Hivemind Control all adds will have Void Infusion on them. This will increase their damage done and movement speed for each second they are alive.

During Ka'zir's Hivemind Control all adds will have Regeneration on them. This will make every add regenerate 5% health every second whilst below 20% health.

Aqir Drones

Mindless - These Drones will attack targets at random. If players are stacked all the Drones will come together and can be AoE'd down. Likewise you can CC the drones when they are all together with AoE stuns.

Volatile Eruption - Whilst Ka'zir's Hivemind Control is active one Drone will transform into a Volatile Drone which increases its health by 150% and is immune to Crowd Control. It will cast Volatile Eruption over 20 seconds, if the cast is successful it will deal a lethal amount of Nature damage to the raid. This add appears on the boss frames also for ease of access. During this mechanic you should stack on this add and cleave from it rather than the boss.

[Heroic] Accelerated Evolution - Whilst Tek'ris's Hivemind Control is active one Drone will transform into an Aqir Ravager which will increase the health and damage done by 450%, this drone can be tanked and is a high priority target. This add appears on the boss frames also for ease of access.

[Heroic] Acidic Blood - When a drone dies it will leave a puddle on the ground which will deal large amounts of Nature damage to anyone who stands in it. These pools last for 1 minute. Aim to not have the drones too spread out when they die.

Aqir Darter

Shortly after the Drones spawn 3 Darters will spawn. They will go to a random location in the room and begin casting. They can be displaced, rooted and stunned. These should be bought to the boss and killed ASAP.

Psionic Resonance - This is the main cast which will deal a small amount of raid wide damage (however there are 3 of them so it builds up).


Devouring Frenzy - This deals 20% more damage every cast (up from 15%)

Mind-Numbing Nova - If an interrupt is missed the haste reduction is now 100% (up from 50%)

Echoing Void - After Echoing Void has cast, an Entropic Echo will spawn in its location forcing you to spread out for the Echoing Void and then have a nearby safe spot for the Entropic Echo.

If you are hit by the Entropic Echo, you will have Nullification applied to you which will deal large amounts of Shadow damage over time and reduce healing received by 100% for 6 seconds.

Corrosion - The damage taken increase is now 50% (up from 25%).

Spawn Acidic Aqir - Pools of Acid seep from the eggs before hatching. You will see a small green aura around them.

Tank Damage Profile

80% Physical
10% Nature
10% Shadow

Tanking Notes

Ensure Ka'zir does not cast Mind-Numbing Nova

Ensure you are helping your DPS cleave as much as possible

Keep Tek'ris faced away from the group to ensure nobody gets hit by Nullification Blast

Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk

Leg Sweep is useful to stun all of the Aqir Drones together so they do not move and stop meleeing the raid

Ring of Peace is useful to control the Aqir Darters by placing it down as their cast finishes so they get knocked back to the group

Vengeance Demon Hunter

Sigil of Chains is useful to control the Aqir Darters by placing it down as their cast finishes so they get gripped back

Sigil of Chains can also be useful to grip all of the Aqir Drones together on top of the priority Drone (Volatile Drone, and in Heroic the Ravager Drone)

Sigil of Misery can stop the cast from the Aqir Darter therefore it will not move

Protection Paladin

Hammer of Justice is useful to stun the Aqir Darter to interrupt its cast and ensure it does not move

Avenger's Shield is very useful to solo the interrupts of Mind-Numbing Nova on Ka'zir

Protection Warrior

Shockwave is useful to stun the Darter to interrupt its cast and ensure it does not move

Shockwave can also be used to stun all of the Aqir Drones together so they do not move and stop meleeing the raid

Guardian Druid

Ursol's Vortex is useful to control the Aqir Darters by placing it down as their cast finishes so they get gripped back

Mighty Bash is useful to stun the Aqir Darter to interrupt its cast and ensure it does not move

Blood Death Knight

Death Grip is very useful to bring the Aqir Darter you are killing to the boss, so that cleave DPS is effective

Asphyxiate is useful to stun the Aqir Darter to interrupt its cast and ensure it does not move

Gorefiend's Grasp is useful to grip all of the Aqir Drones together on top of the priority Drone (Volatile Drone, and in Heroic the Ravager Drone)