
Halls of Valor

Updated on 21.2.2023, 14:37

Hello! Welcome to the Tanknotes Dragonflight Guides! Before we begin, a few disclaimers:

  • In a change from last expansion, I've really downsized the information in these guides, both for readability and to make things easier to update down the line.
  • DF dungeons also tend to be quite "press W and kill everything you see" in terms of Pathing so I've put things in a pull order -- this is by no means the most optimized route but it does aim to be friendly to someone new to tanking, the dungeon, or pathing. I am not revolutionizing anything in terms of pathing here and my goal is to make it PUG friendly regardless of group composition.
  • I have absolutely no idea what classes that I don't personally play or run with frequently do in these dungeons. I'll add things I see but it is by no means everything -- if you want to help out and suggest an addition I'd be thrilled to add it and credit you! Suggestions can go in our discord or DM me directly at Sessa#3975
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Pull 1

The first two groups of this dungeon are often combined together, with everyone mounting at the start (make sure the tank goes first!) and running the two Champions over to the next pack of two Champtions and a Thundercaller. If your group is confident and has good interrupt coordination, consider pulling all the way into the next pull as well and using Bloodlust -- first boss is very easy and most of the damage in these packs is avoidable with coordination. 


Interrupt Thunderous Bolt - assign this to dps players as you might have to backpedal out of range for the other mechanics in the pull and be out of range for the interrupt

Valarjar Champion x4

  • Backpedal during the Power Attack cast to avoid the tank damage (8 yard range)
  • Soothe Enraged Regeneration to prevent the heal

Valarjar Thundercaller

  • Thunderous Bolt - Interrupt
  • Stay spread for Thunderstrike


    Pull 2

    Tell your dps to stay on one side of the mobs to make sure you have enough space to face the Storm Drake's frontal while still backing away for the Champion's Power Attack;  there is so much avoidable damage in this pack and bad positioning is the only thing that can cause problems.


    Interrupt Thunderous Bolt - assign this to dps players as you might have to backpedal out of range for the other mechanics in the pull and be out of range for the interrupt

    **If you do pull the previous pack into this, you will have 2 Thundercallers, assign 1 melee dps or 2 ranged to each

    Valarjar Champion x2

    • Backpedal during the Power Attack cast to avoid the tank damage (8 yard range)
    • Soothe Enraged Regeneration to prevent the heal

    Valarjar Thundercaller

    • Thunderous Bolt - Interrupt
    • Stay spread for Thunderstrike

    Storm Drake

    • Storm Breath - frontal that hits the tank, face away from group


    Halls of Valor - Boss #1
    • Dodge Dancing Blades
    • Move boss to avoid dragon breath from Horn of Valor
    • Bloodletting Sweep - Tank hit with a bleed (does not cleave)

    If you didn't use Bloodlust on the trash before him, lust here!

    The main mechanic to focus on here is Horn of Valor which summons 3 dragons that pass over a third of the boss arena one at a time, they leave behiund a void zone for 2 seconds.

    • You can see which zone is next because the dragon will hover in the air beside it for a few seconds before breathing lightning as it goes in a straight line over (look on both the left and right sides!)
    • Your goal as the tank is to move the boss as little as possible: enough to handle the mechanic but optimizing around getting your dps players good stationary uptime on the boss. The standard way to handle this is to use 2 zones to ping pong between (usually the far area he starts in and the middle zone). If your dps have good awareness, I like to tank him in the middle of the two zones (between the pillars) and the party can just swap sides of the boss as needed to really minimize movement. 

    Defensive Cooldown Usage:

    In higher keys, especially on Tyrannical weeks, using a group defensive or personal defensives on the initial cast of Horn of Valor to deal with the damage is a big help to the healer. You can use anything extra on Bloodletting Sweep, but Horn of Valor has priority.

    Pull 3

    Wait for the patrolling Stormforged Sentinel to go to the left side, while you pull the pack on the right side of the stairs. Again this is a good place to combine pulls with the pack at the top of the stairs because we have lots of preventable damage and backpedaling but feel free to also just do this pack on its own. 


    Interrupt Holy Radiance - assign this to dps players as you might have to backpedal out of range for the other mechanics in the pull and be out of range for the interrupt
    Interrupt Rune of Healing (optional) - you can just move the mobs out of the Rune of Healing when it goes down especially since you'll be backpedaling for the Champions anyways. As a fun bonus you can also stand in the rune yourself with the mobs out of it and it will heal you!

    Valarjar Champion x2

    • Backpedal during the Power Attack cast to avoid the tank damage (8 yard range)
    • Soothe Enraged Regeneration to prevent the heal

    Valarjar Mystic

    Holy Radiance
    • Holy Radiance - Priority Interrupt - group heal
    • Rune of Healing - Interrupt or move mobs if missed

      Pull 4 

      At the top of the stairs is another pack with some new mobs but they are handled in a similar fashion to everything we've encountered so far. If you pulled the previous pack into this one, you'll have a few more interrupts to handle due to the extra Mystic.