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Lady Inerva Darkvein

Updated on 21.2.2023, 14:47

Anima fuels the Shadowlands, and Lady Inerva Darkvein seeks to unlock its mysteries. Under Denathrius's tutelage, she has learned insidious secrets to turn against his enemies. She will strip anima from Nathria's invaders and use it to shape a dark new future.

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The currently rendered guide matches the live version.

TL:DR Notes

Swap at 2-3 Stacks of Warped Desires

Container of Desires 33% Energy and above: Expose Cognition is active, mitigate your Expose Desires as efficiently as possible, as it replicates damage to other players.

Container of Desires 66% Energy and above: Use movement abilities to help get away from the raid / to the designated area for Change of Heart

Container of Concentrated Anima 33% Energy and above:  Rooted in Anima is applied to the players affected. Therefore the tank who is not tanking the boss should move to the location of the Harnessed Specter as soon as possible. This add will cast Unconscionable Guilt which increases the damage of Warped Desires

Container of Sin 33% Energy and above: Anima Web will link the Sins of the Past orbs together. Aim to have the boss near the side of the room so that you are never caught in the middle of this.

Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk

Remember to Touch of Death the adds, you will get multiple uses of it during the encounter.

You can place Black Ox Statue at the Harnessed Specter as it spawns so it does not cast Condemn if its far away.

Transcendence can be placed far away to help get distance from the raid with Change of Heart.

Vengeance Demon Hunter

Be ready to move away from the raid quickly with Infernal Strike for Change of Heart.

Help interrupt Condemn casts with Sigil of Silence.

Protection Paladin

Blessing of Spellwarding and Divine Shield will negate the effects of Change of Heart.

During periods of tanking downtime you can heal your co-tank with Word of Glory.

Help interrupt Condemn casts with Avenger's Shield.

Protection Warrior

Intervene can be used on your co-tank to mitigate some of their damage taken whilst you are not tanking.

Spell Reflection will reflect Change of Heart back to the boss and negate the mechanic.

Spell Reflection can be used to reflect Unconscionable Guilt.

If you're not able to use Spell Reflection, be ready to move away from the raid quickly with Heroic Leap.

Rallying Cry is a great cooldown to use when a Container is emptied to mitigate the raid damage from Loose Anima.

Guardian Druid

Be ready to Dash away from the raid for when Change of Heart triggers to lower raid damage taken.

Stampeding Roar can be useful to use if Anima Web is about to trap people.

Blood Death Knight

Anti-Magic Shell will negate the effects of Change of Heart.

Anti-Magic Zone will likely be assigned for when a Container is emptied to mitigate the raid damage from Loose Anima.

Fight Summary

This is a single phase encounter where the boss has 4 main abilities. These abilities are enhanced when the Containers have more Anima in them.


Throughout the encounter the Container will gain Anima passively. The boss will Focus Anima on a single Container in a set order. Whilst a Container is focused the energy level will increase and you are unable to interact with that Container to drain the Anima from it.

There is a small UI widget which indicates the power level of each Container. Each tick on it represents their power level.

During raid testing, Focus Anima was always cast from left to right, and would shift when the boss lost 25% health.

Loose Anima - This is triggered when anyone drains the Containers by interacting with them. 

Container Breach - If any Container gets full and reaches 100% it will trigger a Container Breach. This deals a large amount of Shadow damage to the entire raid until it is drained.

The boss has 4 Containers and by extension the 4 boss abilities are as follows:

Container of Desires

Expose Desires - This ability is cast the entire fight and is the primary tank mechanic of the encounter. This will be cast on the active tank, deal a large amount of Physical damage and apply a stack of Warped Desires which is a stacking DoT that deals a large amount of Shadow damage.

Expose Cognition - When the Container of Desires is at 33% or higher this effect is added onto Expose Desires. Random non-tank players are given the Shared Cognition when the tank player gets hit by Expose Desires and will copy the damage taken by the tank for the next 6 seconds to them.

It is important here to not take too many Warped Desires stacks as this will be replicated to the Shared Cognition targets.

Expose Heart - When the Container of Desires is at 66% or higher this effect is added onto Expose Desires. When Warped Desires expires Change of Heart will be triggered which will deal a large burst of Shadow damage to the raid. This damage is reduced by your distance from other players.

Aim to have an assigned area for the Tank to go to ensure that Change of Heart damage is mitigated properly.

Container of Bottled Anima

Bottled Anima - This ability is cast the entire fight and requires members of the raid to catch these bottles before they hit the ground. When bottles are caught it will deal a moderate amount of Shadow damage to all players within the 4 yard area indicated on the ground. If any bottles are not caught it will trigger Unleashed Volatility which will deal a very large burst of Shadow damage to the raid!

Damage is NOT split by players if multiple people are in the same zone. That being said it's always better to have 2 people in each zone rather than 0.

Lingering Anima - When the Container of Bottled Anima is at 33% or higher this effect is added onto Bottled Anima. After each bottle has been caught it will leave a patch of Lingering Anima on the floor which deals a moderate amount of Shadow damage to any players who are standing in it.

These patches on the floor may lead to some creative angles needing to be used for managing Lesser Sins and Suffering.

Replicating Anima - When the Container of Bottled Anima is at 66% or higher this effect is added onto Bottled Anima. After each bottle has been caught it will bounce one more time.

Container of Sin

Lesser Sins and Suffering - This ability is cast the entire fight and will spawn 3 Sins of the Past orbs to spawn. 3 random non-tank players will also be marked with Shared Suffering with a beam linking all 3 players together. You must link all 3 orbs with the Shared Suffering beams to despawn them. If the orbs expire before being linked with the Shared Suffering beams they will trigger Indemnification which deals a very large amount of Shadow damage to the raid causing a wipe.

Please note: The above footage is from Mythic testing where there are 4 orbs, in normal/heroic there will only be 3 and each player will run to one each.

During testing the quickest way to handle this mechanic was to simply have ranged/healer players move to orbs further away from the boss and melee players take ones closest. There should be 1 player at each orb to make this mechanic as simple as possible.

Sins and Suffering - When the Container of Sin is at 33% or higher the ability is upgraded to Sins and Suffering which adds the Anima Web effect to the Sins of the Past orbs. The 3 Sins of the Past orbs are now linked with their own beam and if any player makes passes through this they will take a very large amount of Shadow damage over 10 seconds. 

This added complexity means the Shared Suffering players will need to manoeuvre around them to ensure their beams make contact with all 3 orbs.

You should aim to have the boss towards the side of the room to not get caught inside the Anima Web.

Greater Sins and Suffering - When the Container of Sin is at 66% or higher the ability is upgraded to Greater Sins and Suffering which causes the Anima Web beams to rotate!

The risk of getting hit by an Anima Web is higher so when you are attempting to get Shared Suffering through each Sins of the Past orb, take a wider angle, move further away. As long as the beams dissect each orb the mechanic will be passed.

Container of Concentrated Anima

Lightly Concentrated Anima - This ability is cast the entire fight and the Lightly Concentrated Anima debuff will be cast on a random raid member dealing a moderate amount of Shadow damage over 10 seconds. When the debuff expires a small amount of Shadow damage will be dealt to all players within 8 yards and the Harnessed Specter add will spawn.

Ideally the player with Lightly Concentrated Anima should move close to melee range of the boss to ensure the add spawns there.

Harnessed Specter is an immobile add and requires the active threat target to be within melee range else it will cast Condemn repeatedly.

It will cast Unconscionable Guilt to the current threat target which increases damage taken from it, but also damage taken from Expose Desires by 10% for 15 seconds (stacking), therefore the active boss tank should not be tanking this add.

[Heroic] 2 more Lightly Concentrated Anima debuffs will be active on the raid, however these will spawn Conjured Manifestation adds. These adds are immobile, however do not need to be tanked. They will repeatedly cast Condemn however they can be interrupted. An interrupt rotation of 2/3 players is required per add.

Concentrated Anima - When the Container of Concentrated Anima is at 33% or higher the ability is upgraded to apply Rooted in Anima to the initial target.

From testing this root cannot be broken with Freedom/Tigers lust. Therefore the raid should be close to the boss to bait it nearby. Alternatively the tank should move the boss to that player.

Highly Concentrated Anima - When the Container of Concentrated Anima is at 66% or higher the ability is upgraded to now shoot Fragments of Shadow orbs when the debuff expires. These orbs shoot in all directions and deal a large amount of Shadow damage to any player hit.


There are three main changes to this fight for Mythic difficulty.

When a container is drained of Anima, this Anima will be spread to the remaining 3 containers meaning the fight has a fixed length. High raid DPS is of importance here as the Focus Anima cast is based on boss health.

4 Sins of the Past orbs now spawn (up from 3). This will require players to think more carefully about the triangle they make to ensure it dissects all of the orbs.

Warped Desires will now spawn 2 adds. These adds will charge into your character. If you do not face them, you will gain another stack of Warped Desires

This section will be updated once a strategy has been devised for Mythic on live servers

Tank Damage Profile

50% Physical
50% Shadow
40% Auto Attack 
35% Warped Desires 

Shadow damage can be higher based on amount of time spent in Sanguine Ichor.

Swing Timer: 1s (Curse of Weakness 1.2s)

Class Tips/Tricks

Brewmaster Monk

Remember to Touch of Death the adds, you will get multiple uses of it during the encounter.

You can place Black Ox Statue at the Harnessed Specter as it spawns so it does not cast Condemn if its far away.

Transcendence can be placed far away to help get distance from the raid with Change of Heart.

Vengeance Demon Hunter

Be ready to move away from the raid quickly with Infernal Strike for Change of Heart.

Help interrupt Condemn casts with Sigil of Silence.

Protection Paladin

Blessing of Spellwarding and Divine Shield will negate the effects of Change of Heart.

During periods of tanking downtime you can heal your co-tank with Word of Glory.

Help interrupt Condemn casts with Avenger's Shield.

Protection Warrior

Intervene can be used on your co-tank to mitigate some of their damage taken whilst you are not tanking.

Spell Reflection will reflect Change of Heart back to the boss and negate the mechanic.

Spell Reflection can be used to reflect Unconscionable Guilt.

If you're not able to use Spell Reflection, be ready to move away from the raid quickly with Heroic Leap.

Rallying Cry is a great cooldown to use when a Container is emptied to mitigate the raid damage from Loose Anima.

Guardian Druid

Be ready to Dash away from the raid for when Change of Heart triggers to lower raid damage taken.

Stampeding Roar can be useful to use if Anima Web is about to trap people.

Blood Death Knight

Anti-Magic Shell will negate the effects of Change of Heart.

Anti-Magic Zone will likely be assigned for when a Container is emptied to mitigate the raid damage from Loose Anima.